Crowdfunding Secrets

Gaining funding using the crowd
Gaining funding using the crowd

These are some points to consider that hold great values in successful crowdfunding campaigns. If they are planned and executed well, they can go a long ways towards your project and campaign.

1. Think about your project first

For example, if you’re crowdfunding a product consider what you’re trying to achieve, how you will get there and what sets you apart from everyone else. Make sure to broadcast that distinguishable feature to your audience. They will need to be intrigued and find value in the product.

2. Videos and photography are very important

Quality content can make or break a campaign. Your visuals bring the personality to your campaign. Provide high quality photos which are organized, and make sense for the viewer. With videos its important not to make them too long and for them to be engaging. Anyone new to the project, should grasp and understand the basics by the video’s end.

3. Keep your backers informed

Keep your backers and those supporting you informed throughout the campaign. They are part of your success and it is vital for them to know what is happening at each point of the project. Be in good spirit, positive, cheerful and show them that you are on top of things.

4. Structure rewards well

Give value in your rewards at every level. The backers should find value and be enticed at funding your project. Sometimes we can find campaigns with good products, but their reward levels are in disarray and they miss out on many potential customers. Have high reward levels, low reward levels, and a standard reward level. The standard level is where you will be getting most of your funds.

Remember that more than half of campaigns do not reach their goals. There can be a number of different reasons for campaigns failing, but a few common mistakes always stand out. Crowdfunding is not easy and takes a great amount of determination.