Crowdfunding Helping Scale Up Renewable Energy Projects

Getting an electricity supply that is low carbon, secure and affordable can take significant investment. There are many countries today in the world struggling with energy supplies and of course other countries wanting to reduce emissions, to be more green utilising renewable energy. In the long term as well significant costs can also be reduced. However getting there can be a challenge, and many of these projects don’t succeed because of lack of funding. Crowdfunding has come a long ways, the industry has grown exponentially over the last  few years. It has allowed for new renewable energy industry projects to come to life. There have been even hints that crowdfunding could help solve climate change.

Renewable wind energy
Renewable wind energy

There at least 29 active platforms that exist in the world today. Majority are in the United States. Bringing many projects to life and boosting renewable with energy crowdfunding. Here is an perfect example of a individual in Kenya that raised more than €750,000 through an crowdfunding company for more than ten renewable projects. Like in many similar scenarios, the banks were not willing to lend the capital. So for investment on his solar powered equipment, he turned to crowdfunding. The investors can come from all around the world, earning returns on projects and impacting people’s live that are in need.

More platforms can be expected to come on-board as well. The renewable energy sector will continue to look investments and crowdfunding certainly allows for that. Crowdfunding is not only just for startups, it has the potential to provide a new class of capital for energy access. Today crowdfuding is one of the most progressive and innovative ways of raising funds on projects. Thrinacia allows different organisations to run renewable energy projects.  Through individual campaigns and full platform builds as well. Which opens up a whole new source of investment.