Crowdfunding DIY guide for campaigns and websites

Do it your self Crowdfunding guide
Do it your self Crowdfunding guide

If you are working on creating a Crowdfunding campaign, and want to avoid the transaction fees of the popular platforms, this article will cover a DIY CrowdFunding guide using white label technology.

First, for those that are not aware, most popular Crowdfunding platforms take a percentage of each donation you receive on your Crowdfunding campaign. This percentage typically starts at 5% and can go up depending on the platform. You can do the calculations for your particular campaign, and see how much you are going to be losing on the platforms fees. To avoid this cost, many campaign creators decide to run a DIY fundraising or Crowdfunding campaign hosted on their own existing website using white label technology.

Some individuals and companies try a DIY donations functionality on their own website by developing the feature themselves, this is a common mistake, as it takes a lot of time and money to add such capabilities. It defeats the purpose of saving money from using a Crowdfunding platform where you have to pay the pesky transaction fees. The best technology you can utilize for this scenario would be white label technology such as Atlas.

Using Atlas

When using Atlas, you have two options for running Crowdfunding campaigns.

Option 1. You can run your own Crowdfunding platform. This is great for enterprises or organizations that are looking to run more than one Crowdfunding campaign. You can use a variety of different products included with the Atlas subscription plan for any type of rewards and donations based  Crowdfunding possibility. You will be provided with a Crowdfunding platform that you can fully manipulate, and label your own through the administrator dashboard, or through the front end source code. If you are not familiar with coding or developing a website, you can still fully design the website, and manipulate all aspects of how you want the campaigns to be run through the administrator dashborad as seen in the image below:

Administrator Dashbaord the admin dashboard
Administrator Dashboard

And for those that want to manipulate the site further, you will also have access to the front end source code. You can add new features to the website yourself, or use Thrinacia’s in-house developers to do so for you at an hourly rate.

Option 2. Instead of creating a full-blown Crowdfunding platform, you can run a single campaign, and host it on your existing website. The campaign is completely labeled as your own and can be fully manipulated so it will look fluid with your existing site. For the users on your site donating to the campaign, it will look like you have developed the capabilities yourself. It is a great solution for those that want to control the user experience, save money by avoiding transaction fees, and keep the users attention to your brand rather than directing them to a separate platform. You can learn how to add the do it yourself donation capabilities on your website by watching the following video:


As you can see, Atlas provides a do it yourself Crowdfunding solution. Although it may be meant for Crowdfunding, it can also be utilized as a do it yourself fundraising tool, for those that are looking for donations.