Creating the anatomy of a successful Crowdfunding campaign in 3 easy steps

Are you looking to start a Crowdfunding campaign? If so, read this insightful article on the anatomy of a Crowdfunding campaign before you get started. We will be covering the layout, and details that are included in a successful Crowdfunding campaign.

You may have researched what you need to do for your Crowdfunding campaign, but what does that actual campaign look like? We will provide you with a guide for the layout of your Crowdfunding campaign.

To start, there are multiple sections of a successful Crowdfunding campaign.

Below is a list of the different sections to a Crowdfunding campaign:

  • Title
  • Video
  • Location + tags
  • Campaign creator
  • Description
  • Rewards

1. Top Section

Top Section The Title, and the Video
The Title, and the Video


First, every Crowdfunding campaign starts with a good title and campaign video. The title should have the product name, and if necessary, you can add what the product does. For example: Zazar Sunglasses – Colour changing lenses. Make sure you create the video with all of the best practices to help with conversions.

Location, Tags, and Campaign creator info
Location, Tags, and Campaign creator info

Below the campaign video, is the location, and the tags. Add the area in which you are conducting your business, or where you are from, and connect your campaign to those relevant tags to people can easily search for your campaign.

Next, is the campaign creator info. It is important to display as much information as possible. Include an image of your face, so people do not think you are going to scam them. You can also include any social media links that are relevant to you. This way, you look like a legitimate campaign creator.

That is what the top of the campaign will look at, now to enter the meat of the Crowdfunding campaign.

2. The Description

Description - The Description section
The Description section

Produce a description in the following order:

1. Introduction – what is your campaign called, and what is the product in a few words

2. The problem – what is the problem that your backers are facing? This is going to help later on when you describe your new product.

3. Introduce your product – Now that they know the issue, you can introduce your product and how it helps.

4. Display the product – Explain how the product works, and display multiple professional looking images that show your product in a good angle and good lighting.

5. Your promises – Explain exactly what you will do if you reach the funding goal. Tip: provide them with a promise. Also, explain how much their donation helps you.

6. The future – Explain your future goals or any other necessary information that you can provide about the campaign. You can specify all of the steps that you are going to take for the new product, etc.

7.  Ending – Thank the potential backers for taking the time to read through, and consider donating to the campaign. Also, remind them of how much their donation is going to help.

Note: include any relevant links to your campaign, such as social media pages, and any other sites you have been featured on, or have created.

After you have added all of the content to the site, you can beef up the anatomy of your campaign by adding rewards.

3. Rewards

Rewards The Rewards area
The Rewards area

Rewards are typically physical items that you offer for a fixed price. Rewards are a great way to show appreciation to the backers of the campaign and provide more value for their donations. When it comes to adding rewards to your campaign, make sure you have a good variety for every type of backer. Even if it is a small reward, for example, a t-shirt or a pin. Although it may not be an expensive item, some backers enjoy these types of rewards, and will further donate to the campaign. If you are going to add rewards, add multiple, one or two usually it not enough. Add as many as necessary!

That is the anatomy of a successful Crowdfunding campaign. Make sure that you take the time to properly word the campaign and spell check everything. Your potential backers are going to notice any mistake that you may make, so really take the time to create top of the line content. In addition, it is best to know your typical campaign backer persona, this way you can cater the language, to speak directly to those who are going to be viewing and donating to your campaign. We hope this anatomy helps with your campaign, and wish you the best of luck on your Crowdfunding journey.

To get real feedback about your campaign, you can join the following Facebook group for additional advice from real individuals in the Crowdfunding industry.