Creating Facebook Ads for your Crowdfunding campaign

Without advertisement, there would not be any successful Crowdfunding campaigns. Your marketing performance is key to creating a successful Crowdfunding campaign. No matter how great your product, or idea may be, it will not reach the audience that you will need to reach your Crowdfunding goal without using a successful marketing strategy. This article will describe the details of using Facebook advertisement to boost your outreach and gain more backers to your campaign. In addition, it will cover important topics and strategies to use while running Facebook ads to optimize your audience and ROI.

What is an Audience

Facebook currently has 1.94 billion monthly active users. There is a great chance that your target audience is among the 1.94 billion active users on Facebook. To gain the best ROI, you will need to directly advertise to the Facebook users who are most likely to back your project. This group of people is called your target audience. Using Facebook, there are multiple ways that you can advertise to your target audience.

The first way to narrow down your audience is by using the filters that Facebook ads provide. Although this is a standard method, it is not typically the best. The filters that you can use are as follows:

  • Region – Narrow down the geo location you want to target
  • Gender – Choose the gender that will be backing the project
  • Age – Select the age group of the target audience
  • Likes and Interests – Use key words that represent the things your target audience would like or be interested in
  • Relationship – Target the type of relationship your target audience would have
  • Language – Choose the languages that the target audience will be speaking
  • Workplace – This is based on the individuals type of position

Effective Strategies

Now that you understand how to find an audience using Facebook, it is time to talk about importing an audience. If you have been promoting your Crowdfunding campaign as you should, then you may have acquired an email list. This list can act as the base of your imported audience. Simply upload the audience into Facebook, so you can advertise to this specific group.

Email List

Importing your email list can be a good idea for those looking to gain a high rate of return on their Facebook ads. If someone is willing to give up their email, they have a high chance of backing your campaign. If you want to significantly increase the chance of receiving the donation, you can target them through Facebook ads which will keep them aware and reminded of your campaign. This method of advertising is called retargeting. Although you are only limited to the number of emails your list contains, if you have a large enough number of emails, then it could be worth the effort. In other words, your ROI depends on the number of emails you have.

Look Alike Audience

The look alike audience, much like importing an email list, targets those who are already interested in your campaign. You can also use audiences who have not seen or heard of your campaign yet, but that will be covered later.

You can import a look alike audience from a specified URL. Many people decide to utilize the retargeting method by using the Crowdfunding product/company URL. Again, if you have not worked sufficiently in the pre-launch of your campaign, then the number of viewers on your campaign could be minimal. If this is the case, and you have not received an adequate number of views, the alternative method is using a direct competitors audience. Facebook will retrieve a look alike audience based off of your website’s visitors. It will retrieve users with the same attributes of those looking at your website.


There have been many Crowdfunding campaigns that have used Facebook Ads to help with gaining backers to their campaign. In the end, it should not be the only form of advertising your campaign is utilizing. As each has its limitations and advantages, if you decide to run multiple campaigns over a set period of time, you can find positive results. You will see results in these methods if you decide to combine each strategy mentioned above. Be sure to utilize the different tools, and information around, look into the best methods and blogs to help your campaign to succeed. Thrinacia provides great knowledge on how to get your campaign running, along with a suite of Crowdfunding tools.