Creating an Email List for Campaign Pre-Launch to Boost your Initial Sales


Many projects fail to receive the amount of backers they need to their campaign on their first day of CrowdFunding because they had no email list created. Email conversion is much higher than that of Social Media when it comes to CrowdFunding. If you have an email list created before the launch of your campaign, you are much more likely to receive the initial funds as needed on the first day of CrowdFunding. If your campaign has no funds to begin with, it will be near to impossible to convince strangers on the web to donate their money to your campaign. If you have no initial backers, you essentially do not have any credibility.

How do you get email addresses for your campaign?

Achieving someones email address is slightly easier than asking for their money. To receive someones email address, you must in return give value. No one will give you personal information for no cause. You need to create a sense of urgency, this will further entice the person to give up their email. There is no science to achieve an email address from someone, so use your imagination. As a good example, a campaign creator may create a contest or free give away. To sign up for the contest or free give away, the user must enter in their email. This has worked for campaigns in the past. Be aware that only a small percent of your email list will donate to your campaign, so the bigger the email list, the better.

Where do I look for email addresses?

First, you need to have a website created. This will be the hub for your community of backers. Many companies achieve email addresses by simply asking for the information. This is done with CTA (Call to action) buttons either on the home page or landing page of a website. Another common method is a pop up advertisement as soon as you enter the website, many users are not fond of giving up the email address using this method, but may work for your particular backer.

You can look for the email addresses using social media, and online advertising. If you can get a news article written about your campaign, or contest, this will drive the traffic you are looking for. Simply asking all of your friends and family will not be enough.

What should I do once I get the email addresses?

You can look at the email list as a test group. With this test group, you can see what percent of people will donate when they see your campaign. You can then calculate your advertising and promotion efforts accordingly. You need to have an email list management provider. This way you can blast out emails to your entire email list at once. There are many mailing list manager services including:

* MailChimp
* AWeber
* icontact

Just to name a few. Always do your research, so you choose the right mailing service for you. You should also be styling your emails to keep your audience up to date and intrigued by your product, idea or service. Certain techniques like creating a CTA button on the bottom of the email can help improve the chances of your campaign being viewed. Keep the users from this list up to date with what you are doing. Do not send emails out too frequently, and when you do send something out, make sure it is meaningful. Always keep the email list that you achieved, for future reference, you never know if you decide to create another CrowdFunding Campaign again.