Create a Campaign Tutorial

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a new campaign on your crowdfunding website powered by Thrinacia. Below are the steps required to create a new campaign.

Click on the “Start Project” button to begin setting up your campaign.



On the “Start your Own Project” page enter the title of your project into the text field and click the “Start Project” button. This will bring you to the “Basics” tab.



Completing the “Basics” form:

1. Start by uploading an image that represents your project. Either drag and drop an image or click the “Upload Image” button.



2. The name of your project will already appear in the “Title” text field.

3. If you have a Youtube or Vimeo link for your project you can enter the URL into the “Video” text field.

4. Enter a sentence or short paragraph that describes some key information about your project into the “Blurb” text field.

5. Select the “Funding Mode” from the drop down menu.

6. Select the “Profile Type” from the drop down menu. You can choose either “Individual User Profile” for personal accounts or “Business Organization Profile” for company accounts.

7. Enter the location of your project by typing in the name of the city and then select the location from the drop down menu that appears. You can enter multiple locations.



8. Click in the “Category” field and select from the drop down menu that appears. You can enter multiple categories that help to distinguish your project.

9. Enter the dollar amount of your “Funding Goal” in the text field and select the currency from the drop down menu. Your funding goal should be the minimum amount needed to complete the project and fulfill all rewards.

10. Choose the “Funding Duration” by first clicking on the calendar field and selecting the start date. Then you can either type in the number of days into the text field or click on the end date calendar field and select the final day of funding.



11. Click on the “Save Changes” button to save the information in the form and then click the “Next Step” button to move onto the “Details” tab.


Completing the “Details” form:

1. Enter a more thorough description of your project into the text field. Share about what you’re raising funds to accomplish and how you plan to pull it off.

2. Click on the “Add Links” button to add up to five links related to your project. Enter a title for the link in the left text field and the URL in the right text field.


3. Enter a title into the FAQ header text field and a short description of the frequently asked questions into the FAQ description text field.

4. Click the “Add Q/As” button to add both a question and answer text field. Enter a frequently asked question into the left text field and the answer into the right text field. You can enter multiple questions and answers by clicking on the “Add Q/As” button.


5. Click on the “Save Changes” button to save the information in the form and then click the “Next Step” button to move onto the “Rewards” tab.


Completing the “Rewards” form:

Project rewards are optional. Note that you can add as many reward levels as you wish by clicking the “Add a reward” button. The reward levels are either non-tangible or tangible.

1. In the Contribution Amount text field enter the dollar amount needed from the contributor to receive the reward.

2. In the Name text field enter the reward that is being offered at this contribution level.

3. In the Description text field write a short paragraph providing information about the reward.



4. If there is a limited number of items available of this particular reward then enter that number into the Item Limit text field.

5. If the reward needs to be physically shipped then click in the Estimate delivery date calendar field and select the date. Then click on the “Add Shipping Option” button and select an option from the drop down. Enter the dollar cost for this shipping option.



6. Click on the “Save Changes” button to save the information in the form and then click the “Next Step” button to move onto the “Profile” tab.


Completing the “Profile” form:

Individual Profile:

If you selected Individual User Profile as the profile type in the “Basics” form you will need to complete the Individual Profile form.

1. Click on the “Upload Image” button to select a profile image of yourself.



2. Enter your first name and last name into the text fields.

3. Write a short paragraph about yourself in the Biography text field. Don’t worry if you can’t think of anything to say you can change your bio later on.

4. Add social links to your profile. Enter the name of a social networking site, (ex. Facebook) into the left text field. Enter the URL that links to your profile into the right text field. Click the “Add link” button to add additional links. You can have a maximum of five links.



5. Click on the “Save Changes” button to save the information in the form and then click the “Next Step” button to move onto the “Funding” tab.


Business Profile:

If you selected Business Organization Profile as the profile type in the “Basics” form you will need to complete the Business Profile form.

1. Enter your organization’s name into the Organization Name text field.

2. Write a short paragraph about your organization in the Description text field.



3. Click on the “Save Changes” button to save the information in the form and then click the “Next Step” button to move onto the “Funding” tab.


Funding – Creating a Stripe Account:

Click the “Connect with Stripe” button.  



This will redirect you to Stripe. If you have a Stripe account you can click the Sign In link in the top-right corner; otherwise you can fill out the form.

Stripe – Create Account:

Please follow this tutorial for detailed instructions on how to connect your Stripe account to a campaign. Once you have reviewed the steps in that tutorial then continue reading the following instructions.

1. Select the country you are based out of from the drop down menu.

2. Write a short paragraph that details your business.



3. Fill out your organization’s account details. Select the business type that best describes your organization from the drop down menu. Enter your business number, (Tax ID) into the the text field. Fill out the business address text fields then select the province/state from the drop downmenu. Enter your organization’s website URL into the text field.



4. Click on one or more of the of the social network buttons, (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google) and sign into the account. Connecting one or more of these accounts helps Stripe confirm your identity.



5. Fill out your personal details. Enter your first and last name into the Legal name text fields. Enter your birthday into the Date of birth text field. If displayed, enter your home address and SIN into the appropriate text fields.



6. Fill out your organization’s credit card statement details. Enter the name of your organization into the Business name text field, and phone number into the Phone text field.




7. Fill out your organization’s bank details. Select the currency from the bank account currency drop down menu, then enter the account information into the appropriate text fields.



8. Enter your email address and password into the text fields.

9. Click the “Authorize access to this account” button to submit the form.



Preview and Submit Project for Review:

Once you have set up a Stripe account and completed every form, (Basics, Details, Rewards, Profile, and Funding) and have a check mark beside each tab return to the Preview tab and click on the “Send For Review” button to submit your campaign.
