Changing Font Properties With SFTP

This tutorial will provide instructions on how to change font properties using SFTP.  I will be using FileZilla in this example, but you can use any SFTP software.

  • Log into you nexus portal and click on the Wiki tab

wiki tab

  • then click on the Portal Information link



  • Here you will find your SFTP information: Hostname, Username, Password.



  • Open FileZilla, (or any other SFTP software) and copy and paste the following information into the appropriate fields: Host, Username, Password, and Port 22 because it is Secure FTP.
  • Click the Quickconnect button.

  •  If you would like to add in a font library, add the link to index.html file, (path: thrinacia-webui/Thrinacia/app/angapp/index.html).

Ex: to add the Google font ‘Lobster’, include the following link in your index.html file: <link href=’’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’>

  • Upload the index.html file using SFTP: Using Filezilla locate the file in your local site, (path: thrinacia-webui/Thrinacia/app/angapp/index.html) and then right click on the index.html file and select upload.
  • The views folder contains html files, (ex. path: thrinacia-webui/Thrinacia/app/angapp/views/campaign-preview.html).  You can add the following to the opening tag of any text you want to use the font family for: style=”font-family: ‘Lobster’, cursive;”

You can also modify other font properties, (font-weight, font-size, font-variant, etc.) in the same way.

Ex: <div style=”font-family: ‘Lobster’, cursive; font-size: 16px;”>Text</div>

  • Upload the all updated files using SFTP:  Using Filezilla locate the file in your local site, (example path: thrinacia-webui/Thrinacia/app/angapp/views/campaign-preview.html) and then right click on the file, (ex. campaign-preview.html) and select upload.