Some products may never make it onto the market. However crowdfunding has changed that in some ways in the last few years.
Category: Crowdfunding Campaigns
Importance of Project Updates
In crowdfunding campaigns one important aspect we sometimes overlook is communication.
Thrinacia Guide to Crowdfunding Tools and Solutions
We created the ultimate infrastructure of tools for Crowdfunders from Crowdfunding campaign creators to portal administrators.
AI Crowdfunding campaigns
Now, we are entering a new era of technology called AI (Artificial Intelligence). For those that are curious to see what is available in regards to AI, here are some great AI Crowdfunding campaigns:
Crowdfunding trends for 2018
We at Thrinacia have seen particular trends lately that many companies are jumping on board with.
Successful Crowdfunding campaigns of 2017
Here are some of the notable Crowdfunding campaigns for 2017.
Creating a press release for your Crowdfunding campaign
It is not easy to get attention from the crowd without someone releasing info to the press. This is why many campaigns decide to pay for a press release.
Social media tips for your Crowdfunding campaign
You may be wondering what are the best practices when it comes to social media marketing for a Crowdfunding campaign? Here are some tips which may help.
4 tools that can boost your Crowdfunding campaign
You may want to know about existing tools that can substantially boost your campaign.
How to choose between a Rewards & Donations or Equity based campaign
If you are anticipating a Crowdfunding campaign for your corporation, non-profit, or startup, then what is the type of campaign you should be running?