Case Study: SeedMoney

SeedMoney Overview

SeedMoney LLC, formerly called Kitchen Gardeners International (KGI), is a nonprofit organization, currently using SaaS CrowdFunding technology in innovative and effective ways to raise funds for helping home gardeners with public food garden projects.

Founded by a person named Roger Doiron, as seen on TED talks, Roger shows how gardens can re-localize our food and feed our growing population.

How SeedMoney Helps

Roger Doiron wants more people around the world to have gardens and feed the population. This year SeedMoney is aiming to help over 460 projects raise over $300,000 in funding for garden projects.

SeedMoney Process and Milestones

The process started on the November 12’th, this is when the campaign creators application was due. On November 15’th, all of the campaigns on begin. The campaigns then run until December 15’th. The first 75 campaigns that raise $600 will receive $400 challenge grants, thus Roger has created a competitive model. The campaigns that did not win a $400 challenge grant, will be entered for one of 50 $400 merit grants.

SeedMoney is only accepting gardens that:

  • Are Food Gardens
  • Are Public Gardens
  • Are Proposed by Nonprofit causes that are able to prove their Nonprofit status.

Improving on the previous success with Sow It Forward project, that started in 2013 where the grants program raised $24,000, the model has been improved and replaced with the new crowd grants model, earning $208,998. Here is a graph of the success over a 4 year period:



SeedMoney LLC intends to help like-minded community groups working at the local level to secure the resources they need to start and sustain food garden projects. SeedMoney handles promotion and marketing of the portal campaigns themselves through their network of people interested in the public food garden projects.

While Thrinacia Atlas Engine allows for multiple funding configurations, SeedMoney website campaigns running are based on “KiA” mode or Keep it All mode with direct charge, where all funds are captured directly at the point of contribution. SeedMoney found this mode of configuration would work best with their projects.

SeedMoney website was also customized in terms of look and functionality so that user experience would be tailored to their preference. Thrinacia Atlas allows for full look and feel customization as it consists of Web UI written in Angular and highly scalable REST API CrowdFunding engine.

The Results

As of right now, SeedMoney is currently running 463 campaigns. On the first day of it’s live crowdfunding run (November 15’th 2016), SeedMoney was able to generate over $49,000. With SeedMoney’s new crowd grants model running on Thrinacia Atlas Crowdfunding Engine, they were able to capture around 80% of the previous years collections in one day.

Website can receive large number of traffic with no impact or degradation to the performance or level of service. This shows true versatility and reliability of Thrinacia Atlas CrowdFunding engine. Thrinacia Atlas is advanced, scalable CrowdFunding engine delivered through SaaS model that can easily allow one to build and operate CrowdFunding portals or websites like Kickstarter, IndieGoGo and beyond.