Campaign Success: Promoting your Crowdfunding Campaign


Although a great idea can go a long way, every campaign still needs some form of promotion to get the campaign viral. It is critical that you have a marketing strategy created before you begin your Crowdfunding Campaign. You could have the best idea in the world, but if no one knows about your campaign, no one will donate.

Your first donors will come from your personal network. It is recommended to make a list of your friends and family members that would donate to your campaign. Once you have your list, proceed to contact them regarding your Crowdfunding Campaign. Remember, backers outside of your personal network will need to verify that you are legitimate, a great way to do this, is though existing donations from your friends and family. It is considered best practice to begin marketing your campaign pre-launch. If you start to market your campaign before you launch, your friends, family, and other potential backers get to follow the release date of the product.

When it comes to your personal network, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others can be used effectively to broadcast the release date of your campaign. This way, your personal network can “like” and “share” your Crowdfunding Campaign with their network. It is important to know that the most effective marketing comes from your backers, they can market in ways that you can not, so make sure you have a good reputation. Your reputation can make or break your campaigns success.

After you have successfully released your campaign, you will begin marketing to those backers that are outside of your personal network. At this stage, the extensive research that you have done before creating your campaign will come in handy. You should fully understand your target market prior to this stage in the campaign. Many campaigns struggle at this point, below is a list of company websites that provide marketing services.

Companies that provide marketing services:

Along with the best practices, there are also some things you should not do:

– Spam: You can quickly ruin your reputation by spamming your crowdfunding campaign over various websites, and social media.

– Fake Donations: Do not try and trick others into thinking your campaign has raised more than it actually has. In the instance that your campaign fails, you will not have the correct data to analyze your mistakes, if you pretend to back your own campaign.

– Compete with other campaigns: You will not benefit from trying to market your campaign using an existing one. If someone posts about their project, it is best to leave your campaign out of the conversation.

That is it! You are ready to begin your Crowdfunding Campaign. Be sure that you have done extensive research, and have planned strategically before you launch your project. Start your Project today