Campaign Success: Getting Started


You have decided that creating a Crowdfunding Campaign will be most beneficial for your idea / product or business.  Here are just some of the many different categories that you could create a Crowdfunding Campaign for

  • Games
  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Musical
  • Films

When it comes to Crowdfunding, the possibilities are endless. Before you begin the creation of your Crowdfunding Campaign, keep in mind the amount of time and effort that it takes to run a successful campaign. You should be aware of the following standards that past successful campaigns have followed to surpass their campaign goals:

– An excellent video that clearly explains the campaign creators story and vision towards the product or idea. The video should also include details about the product or idea, and how the backers money will help.

– Rewards that further entice the individual to donate to your campaign. Also, a range of rewards for the range of different backers.

– An intensive marketing strategy that was created before the launch of the Crowdfunding Campaign, targeting specific individuals that would benefit from the product or idea.

– Frequent updates on the campaign, so backers stay informed and excited about your idea or product. The backers care about what is happening and what will happen with your campaign.

– Extensive research on both how to run a Crowdfunding Campaign, and about the product or idea that you would like to create.

To further explain each of these key elements, for your success, read How to explain your Vision