This article will provide you with new ideas and information to give you a better understanding of the different Crowdfunding possibilities that are available.
Author: Kyle Tummonds
Enabling new settings on the back-end via REST client (for custom websites)
In this article, we will show you how to access the new back-end settings, and show you how to enable such a setting by using Insomnia REST client.
How to create an equity Crowdfunding platform in 6 easy steps
This blog article will help guide you in the right direction and give you the knowledge on how to properly create an equity platform in 6 easy steps.
Is Crowdfunding suitable for me?
Do you need funding? Are you curious about where, or how you will receive the money you need? If this is the case, you may be able to use Crowdfunding as a solution.
Crowdfunding on your own
This article is designed to help guide you in the right direction so that you can fund your way to success for whatever project you are raising the funds for.
How to choose a Crowdfunding platform for your campaign
In this article, we will cover how to choose the right platform, and explore other options available to suit the needs of all campaign creators.
4 bad habits to avoid for campaign creators
It is no secret that there are many unsuccessful Crowdfunding campaigns. Many of the unsuccessful Crowdfunding campaigns can be due to the same 4 bad habits that we will cover in this article.
Understanding micro-donations
You may want to learn about the new trend of micro-donations, and how they are helping campaigns reach their goals. Learn about micro-donations and the facts behind why they can be successful.
The best time to launch a Crowdfunding campaign
Are you preparing to launch your Crowdfunding campaign? If so, you may want to know when is the best time to launch my Crowdfunding campaign?
What is the 30% Crowdfunding rule?
Are you thinking about running a Crowdfunding campaign? If so, you may want to know about the 30% Crowdfunding rule. This is a rule of thumb which states if the Crowdfunding campaign reaches 30% of the funding goal, then it will more than likely get successfully funded.