This article delves into the potential of combining e-commerce functionality with fundraising platforms and how generative AI can further transform the backer journey.
Author: Jake Austin
Fundraising and the power of REST APIs
Fundraising has become indispensable tools for individuals, businesses, and organizations to raise capital.
Important DNS changes for existing domains
Important notification in regards to DNS change for existing custom domains.
Using the Thrinacia REST API to authenticate, create an account and a simple campaign
This article will show how to use the Thrinacia REST API to authenticate, create an account and a simple campaign.
New Timezone Feature
New feature for setting server based timezone.
Types of Fundraising Techniques for Businesses
Raising funds is a crucial aspect of any business or platform. With the rise of new technologies and changing economic conditions, fundraising techniques have evolved over the years.
Crowdfunding with FINTRAC
This article will be covering the topic of FINTRAC
How to host Thrinacia Web UI on your own web server
Normally all standalone Web UI’s or reference applications are hosted on Thrinacia front-end servers where we use CDN and other caching techniques as well as cache busting to ensure optimal delivery.
Finding the right funding method for your cause
There are many ways you can capture funding, but the best methods utilize rewards as incentives and can handle many donations all at once.
Creating a product Crowdfunding page
This article can help guide you to use the best practices when it comes to creating a product Crowdfunding page.