Attracting Press Coverage to your Next Big Crowdfunding Thing

Thanks to the wide variety of crowdfunding platforms that are free to join, tons of crowdfunding projects are being created everyday. Because of the sheer amount of projects being made and normally lasting for at least a month, your new project can quickly get lost in the sea of far more popular ones. The ones that get the most attention are the ones that are widely covered by news sites and other well-established blogs. Obviously, the ones launched by famous personalities will attract lots of attention but history has shown that any crowdfunding project can be featured on the Web if it is worth covering. Once you get that coverage, the chances of meeting your funding goal should be a lot higher. There is no certainty that your next big crowdfunding thing will attract the press but it certainly won’t hurt to try and these tips will help.

Start Out Aggressive and Different

Popular blogs and news sites won’t cover a topic unless it is sure to attract visitors the moment they read the headline. Therefore, your crowdfunding project needs to be something that is truly unique, hard-hitting and perhaps completely left field. It must delight your target audience in a big way. The best way to discover the magic is to see what types of crowdfunding projects were featured in the past.

Get the Timing Right

Do you know what happened after the new MacBook was announced? A bunch of crowdfunding projects launched to tackle the problems associated with it. This is basically riding on the coattails of something more popular and it works. Just don’t be late or else another crowdfunding project could beat you to it.

Trend on Social Media

Never underestimate the power of social media. It is sites like Facebook and Twitter that can turn something ordinary into a viral sensation. If your next crowdfunding project is aggressive enough and you spend enough effort marketing it, people will share it and the press will likely handle it from there.