AI Crowdfunding campaigns


New and innovative projects are being created all of the time. Thanks to Crowdfunding, these new inventions are becoming easier to fund using the general population as investors. Now, we are entering a new era of technology called AI (Artificial Intelligence). For those that are curious to see what is available in regards to AI, here are some great AI Crowdfunding campaigns:

Artificial Intelligence A-Z – How To Build An AI

This is a really interesting project when it comes to Crowdfunding for AI. It is a course that shows you how to create AI. They use real-life examples of developing AI through video games. The purpose is to create an AI for each game that can beat the game. It is said that the way of learning is easier when it comes to AI. Apparently, there are other courses that you can take when it comes to learning AI. This campaign wants to separate itself from those courses by providing a learning experience that is not heavily focused on mathematics.

Check out: Artificial Intelligence A-Z – How to build an AI campaign.

Vinci – Smart Headphones

Next, is the AI controlled smart headphones called Vinci. These headphones are operated by an AI, that can help you with your everyday activities. Vinci is equipped with wireless charging, fitness tracker and heart rate monitor, up to 32G of storage, gesture interface, wifi, 3G, bluetooth, 3D sound recording and noise canceling.

Learn more by going to the Kickstarter campaign: Vinci – Smart Headphones.

Arsenal – The intelligent camera assistant

Here is another AI operated device. This camera can help you take amazing photos by plugging into the camera. Operate your device from your app, to take amazing photos. This helps reduce the time it takes to get all of the settings right for the brilliant photo that you want to take. While using the app, you can also have quick access to sharing the photos on your social media. It makes for the perfect camera assistant.

Check out the Indiegogo campaign: Arsenal – The intelligent camera assistant.

Career Muse – Your Resume & LinkedIn Writing App

Are you having a tough time writing your resume, or finding a job? Here is a tool that you can use to help with the job seeking process. This application helps edit your resume to optimize the way it is written for employers. Many resumes end up being filtered out by bots, so if you use this tech, your resume will likely be recognized by these bots as a well-written resume, to further increase your chances of getting the job. Simply add the type of job you are seeking, and your resume and the AI will edit the resume and so much more.

Take a look: Career Muse – Your resume and LinkedIn writing app.