Adding Rewards to your Wild Apricot Charity website

Adding rewards to your Wild Apricot site
Adding rewards to your Wild Apricot site

Are you creating your website using Wild Apricot? Would you like to add reward capabilities, and campaigns to your website? This tutorial will show you how you can quickly add a fully white labeled fundraising campaign to your new or existing Wild Apricot charity website.

This article is part of a blog series for adding rewards to your charity fundraising website. You can also add rewards to other charity platforms such as Ning, and NationBuilder.

The solution described in this blog article can be used for any fundraising, charity, or non-profit organization website. It is great for adding a single reward, or multiple rewards on a single page for any new or existing Wild Apricot site using white label technology such as Atlas. To gain the capabilities to add multiple rewards on your Wild Apricot site, you need to subscribe to an Atlas subscription plan. The Micro subscription plan is great to use for this purpose. Included in the subscription plans is the Sedra widget. You can use the Sedra widget to host a campaign on any web page.

Please note that it is recommended to read the following article to quickly set up the widget for this tutorial.

Adding rewards on your Wild Apricot Charity Website

Step 1: Subscribe to the Atlas subscription plan.

New Atlas Subscription plans Thrinacia UI
Atlas subscription plan options

Step 2: Create the fundraising campaign, and add the rewards. You can then copy the widget code.

Campaign creation steps preview widget code
Campaign creation steps preview widget code

Depending on the configuration of your site, you may need to approve the campaign to view it live. To do this, you can log in as an administrator, and go to the administrator dashboard, click on campaigns, and choose approved/running from the dropdown menu located in the status column for the campaign that you have created.

You can also add more functionality such as, removing the contribute button (if you only want users to purchase rewards), enable attributes (for example: if you are offering a t-shirt for a reward, you can add sizes as an attribute for the t-shirt, and colours as an attribute), HTML editor, and more.

Step 3: Create a new page.

First, log into the Wild Apricot website. Next, create a new page by clicking on website in the top menu, then clicking on the pages tab. Click on the Add page button to create a new page.

Create new page
Create new page

Once you have added the new page, you need to fill out the page information in the left menu.

Add the page info
Add the page info

Step 4: Paste the widget code, and view the campaign.

In order to paste the widget code, you will have to drag and drop the HTML gadget onto the page.

Add HTML gadget to the page
Add HTML gadget to the page

Once you add the gadget onto the page, you can click on the edit code button.

Edit gadget code
Edit gadget code

Paste the widget code into the box.

Paste widget code
Paste widget code

You can now view, and donate to the campaign.

View the rewards
View the rewards

That is how you can add rewards onto your Wild Apricot charity website. For a full and more detailed tutorial, you can watch the following video: