Would you like your users to log in via Facebook to your CrowdFunding platform? This tutorial will show you the steps on how to add Facebook as an identity provider via Okta.
To start, you will need to have Okta connected to your platform. To do this, refer to the following article here.
Once you have Okta set up and connected, you can then begin adding Facebook.
Step 1. Create a Facebook Developer account
Go to the Facebook Developers site and create a profile there. Once you have done so, you can start creating an app.
Step 2. Create the Facebook App
You will be prompted with the following pop-up message.
After you click on the Build Connected Experiences, you can then click on the continue button.
You can then go to the basics page. Click on the settings drop down in the left menu, then click on Basic.
Once you are on the basic page, you will need to add 2 URL’s into the App Domains field.
First, add the URL of your platform.
Second, add the Okta URL. You can find this URL in your Atlas dashboard as you have pasted from this article in step 4.
Next, you will need to go to the advanced page, which is below the basic option in the left menu.
Scroll down to the section called Domain Manager. Add your domain (it should look something like this https://your-website-url.com), and make sure that you have chosen Exact Match with both HTML, JavaScript and CSS checked before you apply.
Once that has been applied, you can then add the same domain to the Share Redirect Allow List. Use the same URL as mentioned in the previous section.
You can also keep the Allow Cross Domain Share Redirects toggle OFF.
Be sure to save the changes at the bottom of the page.
Next, you can choose the Facebook Product that you would like to use. Click on the Products option in the left menu.
Then, choose Facebook login.
If asked, you will want to choose the web application option afterwards.
You can then click on the Facebook Login Settings in the left menu.
In the Valid OAuth Redirect URI’s, you will need to add your Okta URL that you fetched recently in this step and add the following URL path:
Once you have entered these values, you can then save the settings.
Step 3. Create Identity Provider in Okta
Log into your Okta Developer account and create a new identity provider. Click on the Security option in the left menu, then click on Identity Providers.
Next, click on the Add Identity Provider button, then on Add Facebook.
You will then need to copy and paste both the Client ID and the Client Secret key from your Facebook Developers account. You can find this from the Settings –> Basic page as per the previous step.
Once you have added the keys and name you can then click the blue Add Identity Provider button.
You will then see the information when you click on the dropdown button.
Step 4. Add the IDP ID into the Atlas Dashboard
Now that you have the information from Facebook, you can copy the IDP ID that you see from the image above.
Go to the Atlas admin dashboard, click on portal settings, then click on the website settings and scroll down to the section called Social Login. Enable the Facebook Login toggle.
Paste the IDP ID into the following field.
Remember to save the settings at the bottom of the page.
You and your users will now be able to sign in to the platform using Facebook.
If you are experiencing any issues with the implementation, please feel free to contact support@thrinacia.com in order to receive further help.