Would you like your users to log in via Google to your CrowdFunding platform? This tutorial will show you the steps on how to add Google as an identity provider via Okta.
To start, you will need to have Okta connected to your platform. To do this, refer to the following article here.
Once you have Okta set up and connected, you can then begin adding Google.
Step 1. Create an account on Google
You will first need to create a developer account on google. You can go to this page and create an account.
Step 2. Generate Google OAuth Client ID keys
Once you are signed into google with your developer account, click on the Credentials option in the left menu.
If you do not have any project or registered business, Google will ask you to create one. You will need to fill out the steps as prompted.
Once that is finished click on the “+ Create Credentials” button, then on the Oauth Client ID option.
You may be prompted to configure the consent screen. If you receive this notification, click on the button to configure the consent screen.
You can then choose the External option for the user type and click on the blue create button.
You can then begin filling out the Steps for the form.
You can save and continue for both the second and thrid step.
Once you reach the last step, click to go back to the dashboard.
You will then have to click on the credentials again as you did at the beginning of this step, then click again on the Oauth Client ID after clicking on the “+ Create Credentials” button. When doing this, you will need to add an Authorized redirect URL. You will need to replace the URL with your Okta domain located in the website settings of the admin dashboard, but keep the same path. Here is an example: https//:your-okta-domain-here/oauth2/v1/authorize/callback
Once you have added the necessary information including the URI, you can click on the blue Create button.
You will then see both the Client ID and the Client Secret key.
You will then need to paste both of the keys as per the screenshot above into Okta.
Step 3. Create Identity Provider in Okta
Now that you have created the keys, you can log into your developer Okta account to create the new identity provider.
Once logged in, click on the Security option in the left menu, then click on the Identity Providers from the drop-down.
Next, click on the “Add Identity Provider” dropdown and choose Google.
Once you have done this, you can paste your keys from the previous step into the appropriate fields.
You will then be able to view your IDP ID, this is a value you will need to add to the Atlas dashboard.
Step 4. Add the IDP ID into the Atlas dashboard
Log into your Atlas white label CrowdFunding website as a portal admin, go to the admin dashboard, click on Portal Settings, then click on Website Settings. Scroll down to the section called Social Login. Make sure you have already connected Okta to your platform.
You can turn ON the Google Login.
Once this has been turned ON, you can then paste the IDP ID into the following field.
Be sure to save the settings at the bottom of the page.
You and your users will now be able to log into your website via Google.
If you are experiencing any issues with the implementation, please feel free to contact support@thrinacia.com in order to receive further help.