Using Analytics For CrowdFunding

Using Analytics For CrowdFunding
Using Analytics For CrowdFunding

Are you planning on running a CrowdFunding campaign or platform and want to use analytics to optimize your efforts to raise funds?

In this article, we will explore the capabilities of using white label CrowdFunding software integrated with some of the most popular analytic software to contribute to your CrowdFunding efforts. Among the different analytic software for tracking users and marketing strategies, two popular choices that can get the job done are both Google analytics and Facebook pixel.

Let’s take a further look at these two tools to understand their capabilities and how they can be added to Atlas for your CrowdFunding experience.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool used to record and view real-time data of activity on your website. It’s free to use and you can create custom events to gain a better insight into your marketing efforts. This popular technology is used by over 50 million websites and can be used on almost all websites. Once you paste the snippet for javascript code from Google Analytics, you can sign in to your account and view activity data for your site. You may be wondering how this would work when adding it to the CrowdFunding platform.

Adding Google Analytics to Atlas

You have 2 options if you would like to be using Google Analytics with Atlas.

The first option is to paste the script into the footer code area of the website located in the admin dashboard. Learn more by following this FAQ:

Next, is using the feature located in the admin dashboard –> Portal Settings –> Campaign Settings –> scroll down to the section called “Campaign Google Analytics”.

Google Analytics Feature
Google Analytics Feature

Here you will find a toggle that allows you to add your Google Analytics Tracking ID into the field to track those who have donated to the campaigns on your platform. This DOES NOT track all user activity. It will only track users that have made a successful pledge on the platform. Once you have followed the instructions as per the text in the section from the screenshot above, you will need to set up eCommerce tracking on your Google Analytics account. This can be done by following the instructions here:

Once you have followed the instructions for adding eCommerce tracking in Google Analytics, you can view the tracking data on your Google Analytics dashboard when users are pledging to the campaigns on your website.

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is a marketing tool that allows you to collect data for your Facebook marketing efforts by pasting a small snippet of tracking code on your site. It provides specific insights on your marketing efforts from Facebook to help improve the conversion rates on the Facebook ads.

Adding Facebook Pixel to Atlas

To add the Facebook Pixel tracking code to Atlas is easy, log into the platform as an admin. Click on portal settings, then on campaign settings. Next, scroll down to the section called Campaign Facebook Analytics (Pixel) and toggle the setting ON. You will see that it will ask for your Pixel ID.

Facebook Pixel Feature
Facebook Pixel Feature

Once you add your Pixel ID, you can then view the data on your Facebook dashboard to view specific analytics for your campaign. This feature also works on the widget as well, so if you are hosting a single campaign on another website, you will be able to view the same data.

How to leverage analytics for CrowdFunding

Analytics are used to maximize your marketing efforts. They can provide insights on where your marketing campaign is failing and where it is succeeding. How do you know where to spend your money and how can you test multiple marketing avenues at once? This is how analytics can be leveraged the most.

There are several ways that you can segregate and monitor your success for your different marketing campaigns. The best way to do this is to use re-directs. You and your marketing team will likely be focusing on several marketing channels all at once. When focusing on these channels, you could be broadcasting the same link so the traffic from each channel could be reaching the same destination. In this case, you need to segregate the traffic to analyze what channels are providing the best results so that you can focus your efforts on that specific channel.

As an example, you could be using Facebook ads with several different advertisement campaigns, all directed to your CrowdFunding campaign. When viewing the analytics dashboard, how can to determine which ad campaign is performing the best? What if you are also adding the same link to comments on Facebook as well? How are you going to differentiate between the different traffic to the CrowdFunding campaign? This can all be solved using redirects. You can separate the links with a redirect or append the URL with a question mark and a few characters that will indicate where the URL is coming from. The URL could be: and with the appended question mark for the marketing campaign could look something like this: This way you can determine where traffic is coming from.

We hope that these tools and practices will help you in your CrowdFunding journey. For those that have any questions about the product, please join our public Discord chat.