Thrinacia Atlas Changelog: New lite theme, Sub Menu Features, and ID Migration Tool

Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-10-26
Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-10-26

We have an exciting release this week including a new lightweight CSS theme, sub menu capabilities and Ignition Deck migration tool. Here is more details on this week’s update.

Thrinacia Atlas Changelog – 2020-10-26

Community – The New Lightweight CSS Theme

Community Lite Theme
Community Lite Theme

We are introducing a new lite theme called community for those that want a more modern and warm look for their website. You can compare it to our original core theme by going to

To use the new lite theme, you will need to be subscribed to either the scale or enterprise plan as you can see from our pricing page here.

Once you have subscribed to one of the above plans, Thrinacia can send you the custom CSS files in order to use the lite theme. All you will need to do then is log into your site via SFTP, and add the custom CSS files into the custom folder here: angapp/custom/

Sub Menu Feature

We are revamping the way you can create and order the menus on the platform to be more intuitive. You will now be able to easily update the menu from a new tab in the admin dashboard and add sub menu items to the main navigation as per the following screenshot below:

New Sub Menu Feature
New Sub Menu Feature

After reloading the page, you can see the changes live in your navigation as per below:

Sub Menu Items
Sub Menu Items

Ignition Deck Migration Support

If you are currently using the Ignition Deck crowdfunding application, and want to migrate over to Thrinacia Atlas, now you can use our new ID migration tool to move the data automatically. There is the ability to migrate important information such as users, campaigns, donations, rewards, and more. In order to use the ID migration tool, you will need to contact, and we will assist you with the migration process.