How to quickly setup a free crowdfunding campaign to help with a pandemic or natural disaster

Do you want to help raise money for those in need when dealing with an emergency? Every so often, there can be a disaster, pandemic, or outbreak that may require your help via fundraising. This article will explain how you can quickly set up a Crowdfunding campaign for those in need.

When disaster strikes, there are many individuals, communities, and companies that turn to funding to help them get through hard times. Some of us are more fortunate than others, that is why it is essential to help others in a time of need. There are many ways that you can help your community when going through hard times. You can volunteer your time to help with disaster recovery, but this may not always be the best solution. There are some cases when raising money is the best solution. Whether you need to raise money to provide your community with a particular item or items, or just simply raise donations. In these cases, we want to provide a quick way that you can raise money for your friends, family, community, or others that need assistance during hard times. This solution will help those that want to accept donations, and also offer rewards. A reward, for example, could be a t-shirt. You can run all kinds of campaigns to help build your community in a crisis. Below are the steps to start creating your campaign.

Step 1. Use Crowdfunding or fundraising technology

There are several different solutions available. We are going to offer a free solution that you can use without having to pay any transaction fee to the platform. Many platforms today will take a transaction fee on all of the donations to each fundraising campaign hosted on the site. Reach, however, does not take any transaction fees, and is a great platform to create fundraising campaigns, and run those campaigns on different websites via widget code. This means if you are someone who has a website, or if you are working with a community that already has a website built, you can simply paste a small snippet of code onto the site so that backers are not redirected to another website to make a donation, or purchase a reward.

Below is an example that shows what the campaign could look like:

Reach Crowdfunding campaign
Reach Crowdfunding campaign

As you can see, there are lots of advantages that you can use when creating a Reach campaign. You can post it on ANY website. If you have an eCommerce website, CMS, or website builder, you can easily use the widget code to host the campaign on your own website.

Step 2. Create the campaign.

Now that you understand what you can do with the Reach platform, you can then proceed to create the actual campaign for the emergency. Before you start adding the details into the campaign, you will first need to create a Stripe account in order to accept donations. Stripe is the payment gateway that processes the transactions for the campaign. You can connect a Stripe account directly to the campaign in order to accept donations. Fill out all of the necessary information for the campaign creation steps.

Campaign creation steps
Campaign creation steps

Each step will walk you through the process of the campaign creation. For example, you will be prompted to add the featured image for the campaign in the basics step. When you get to the funding step, you will have to connect your Stripe account to the campaign as mentioned previously.

3. Launch the campaign and host it on your site.

If you do not have a website that you would like to host the campaign on, you can skip this step. If you do, however, have an existing website that you want to be posting the campaign on, then you can use the widget code!

To find the widget code, simply log into, and go to my campaigns (be sure that your campaign has started, and is currently running).

Next, click on the edit buttonĀ for the campaign. Go to the preview step, and click on the widget preview tab. Above, you will see access to the widget code. This will be the code that you can copy and paste onto your website of choice.

Go ahead, copy and paste the widget code onto the page of your website (blank page is preferred).

4. Get your donations.

Now that you have the campaign launched on your site, it is time to receive the donations! It is best to use your social circle to help raise the donations for the site. If you are struggling to get the donations from your own friends or family, you will be forced to reach out to strangers. Not to worry though! There are several different online communities that you can use to help your cause. For example, Thrinaica has built a Facebook group designed to help and encourage others to donate to other new campaigns. You can use the Facebook group by visitingĀ this group page. There are several other communities that can help gain more traction on your campaign in terms of backers, and outreach to potential backers. It would be best to search various social media platforms, groups, forums, and question/answer websites to find your community online.