Adding CrowdFunding campaigns to your MailChimp emails

Adding Crowdfunding campaigns to your MailChimp emails
Adding Crowdfunding campaigns to your MailChimp emails

Are you creating an email marketing campaign using MailChimp? Would you like to add Crowdfunding capabilities, and campaigns to your emails? This tutorial will show you how you can quickly add a fully white labeled Crowdfunding campaign to your emails.

This article is part of the blog series for adding Crowdfunding features on your emails.

The solution described in this blog article can be used for any rewards/pre-order, or donations based Crowdfunding campaigns and paradigms. It is great for running a single campaign, or multiple campaigns on emails for any type of email campaign using white label technology such as Atlas. To gain the capabilities to add a Crowdfunding link, you may want to subscribe to an Atlas subscription plan if you want a fully white labelled campaign. For those who are interested in running a single campaign for free, you can use the Reach Crowdfunding platform.

Note: when using the Atlas white label technology you will have to setup, and configure your Crowdfunding site to be accepting donations before you create a campaign. You can learn how to quickly setup the platform by reading Thrinacia Atlas Standalone Web UI Quick Setup

Learn how to add Crowdfunding campaigns to your MailChimp emails

Step 1: Subscribe to the Atlas subscription plan.

New Atlas Subscription plans Thrinacia UI
Atlas subscription plan options

Step 2: Create the Crowdfunding campaign, and approve it.

Campaign creation steps preview widget codecreation steps preview widget code

Once the campaign is created, you can approve the campaign by going to the admin dashboard, click on the status dropdown menu for the campaign, and choose approve/running.

Step 3: Copy the campaign URL.

Note: The campaign that you are using must be approved/running, and live. If the campaign has not started yet, it will not be live.

Go to the campaign that you have created, and copy the URL.

Step 4: Paste the URL into the email template.

Log into your MailChimp account, start a new campaign if you have not already done so. Click on Create Campaign button to start a new email campaign.

Click on the create button
Click on the create campaign button

Next, choose email, since we will be creating an email campaign.

Choose the email option
Choose the email option

Then add the name that you would like to call the email campaign.

Add the name of your email campaign
Add the name of your email campaign

Next, design the email with a template. Click on the design email button.

Add a template
Add a template

Once you have decided on the template, and have added all of the necessary information into the template, you can add a button which will take the user to your Crowdfunding campaign. Edit the email, and add a button.

Choose the button option
Choose the button option

Next, paste your camapign URL into the URL field.

Paste the URL into the correct field
Paste the URL into the correct field

Remember to save your progress.

You can now view the email by sending a test email to yourself.

Email template preview
Email template preview

When users click on the donate button, they will be directed to your Crowdfunding campaign as per example below:

Campaign preview
Campaign preview

That is how you can add any pre-order, rewards, and donations based Crowdfunding campaign on to your emails. For a full and more detailed tutorial, you can watch the following video: