New Atlas Micro subscription plan

The Micro Plan
The Micro Plan

We are excited to introduce the new Atlas Micro subscription plan. The new Micro plan is only $9.99 per month. In this article, we will be explaining the best use cases for this plan, and the features you can use.

First off, the micro plan is perfect for those that want to host campaigns on a separate website. For example, if you wanted to use the Atlas plan capabilities and features on a separate platform like Shopify, Squarespace, or Wix it has all of the necessary features to do so.

The Micro plan allows portal admins to use the capabilities of the Sedra widget to host the fully customizable Crowdfunding campaign on any website of choice. You can also use this plan if you do not need a domain name for your Crowdfunding platform. Although you can run a Crowdfunding platform with the micro plan, it has limitations such as:

  • Up to 30 active campaigns
  • Reach UI is not available
  • Cannot use a custom domain name
  • Does not come with a dedicated SSL certificate
  • Tier 5 support

As you can see, it may not be the best solution for running a Crowdfunding platform, as there are other Atlas plans that are better suited for running a Crowdfunding platform. The micro plan can be utilized for those that need to fully customize a Crowdfunding campaign, and add it to a separate website. You will have access to the administrator dashboard, the front end source code, and Thrinacia’s in house developers at an hourly rate in case further customization is needed for the Crowdfunding campaign. Learn how to create a self hosted Crowdfunding campaign on a new or existing website by watching the following video: