SeedMoney is a successful Crowdfunding platform, powered by Thrinacia’s software. The platform helps with generating funding for gardens around the globe and offers grants to those who raise the most money. The grants provide the incentive to start creating the campaigns and generate funding from the community and has proven to be a successful method of raising money on the Crowdfunding platform.
This year, SeedMoney has raised over $172,000 in the span of 30 days as campaigns are run from Nov, 15th to Dec 15th each year. This year, there were 363 active running campaigns. SeedMoney continues with raising large amounts of money each year, as they provide the grants as an incentive. The money raised this year, however, is not the most they have ever raised. In a previous case study, you can see that SeedMoney was able to generate over $49,000 in their first week of funding.
How does it work?
SeedMoney has multiple $400 grants that are given out to the first campaigns that raise over $600. This provides a friendly competition between both the campaign creators and themselves. This race to $600 is a large factor driving the campaigns to generate more funding, and has been the pinnacle of success for the platform to both gain more campaigns on to the site, and provide a healthy, and active platform for people to donate money on.
SeedMoney did not start out with the following and the momentum as they do now. They first started out with a small grants program, and have since moved to offer larger grants, and accept donations around the globe. The garden project campaigns include school and community gardens to help feed communities. Along with offering the grants, SeedMoney finds success with providing the campaign creators with valuable information about gardening, and as said by Roger Doiron the founding director of SeedMoney, says “gardening is about self-reliance for providing food”, and SeedMoney wants to “communicate the same message when it comes to financing these projects”. SeedMoney is a mix between a charitable foundation, and a Crowdfunding platform, as they provide more than just the option to donate to the campaigns.
These are perfect scenarios to use the Atlas white label Crowdfunding platform, as any charity, or non-profit organization can benefit from all of the different features, and capabilities that are already included on the platform out of the box.
You can learn more about SeedMoney, and an inside look at their success by reading the following article.