How to create a donation website in 5 easy steps

How to create a donation website
How to create a donation website

Are you a non-profit or charity organization that intends to accept donations on a new or existing website? You may be interested in how to add donation capabilities on your website and run successful fundraisers. This article is going to explain how to make a donation website in 5 easy steps.

There are various solutions available that can help with the different types of scenarios to make your own donation website. To help cut down time on research, we will explore an option that can be customized, so you know how to open a donation website. Such scenarios as a donations website for personal use or company charitable donation websites can be created. Do not worry, it is fast to learn how to start up a donation website.

1. Planning the website

Before learning how to open a donation website, it is good to know exactly what you want, and how you plan on achieving your goal. Something as simple as a set of requirements can help you better understand what exactly you are looking to achieve, and how you will achieve it through your website. Are you looking to create a personal donation website or charity donation platform? Make sure all of these simple questions are answered. The overall purpose and complete user journey should be established before moving on to the next steps. You can design mockups and wireframes for each step of the process including sign up, campaign creations, the website donation page, and more. This will in turn help you create the best donation website. These are the first steps which are essential when learning how to start a donation website, and how to set up a donation website. We call this the research phase when learning how to build a donation website. Remember that your end goal is to make it easy to raise money on the donation website.

In addition to planning and optimizing the look and functionality to get donations, there needs to be a set budget. With any new personal donation request website, you need to set a maximum budget. A charitable donation website may have a smaller budget than a social donation platform. Many people ask how to setup a free donation website? Although a free donation collection website may seem like a good idea, it can have many faults. Using free software to create a donation website for free has many more disadvantages, than advantages, just to save money. The support for free technology is never worth the time. So do not bother searching how to make a donation website for free. There is no such thing as an amazing free donation website for fundraising. So make sure to plan on spending some money, even if it is a very small amount on the website.

You can search for what is the best donation website, but that will likely not provide the capabilities that you need. Other platforms do not allow you to add your own labelling to the campaigns, and provide limited functionality.

Make sure when you are researching how to set up a donation website, that you keep in mind your audience. The site should be centred around the end user, so they consider your donation raising website the best website to get donations. This will overall get donations to the website. Learn more about how to get donations on your website by reading the following article.

2. Choosing the technology

After you have fully completed the planning phase for your easy donation website, you can shop for the best technology for your particular use case. This article will focus on one universal white label product that can be fully customized for any type of project donation website. You do not want to create your own donation website from scratch. Hand coding a private donation website, international donation platform, or even a simple self donation website will take years to develop, and is likely over the budget. This is why there are many benefits from using website donating products such as white label solutions as they can help you to start a donation website fast.

Discover the capabilities of the Atlas white label platform. As stated on the web page, it is used for Crowdfunding purposes. It is the perfect solution for those individuals, or organisations that want to learn how to make a donation page on your website, or how to make your own donation website. Skip the donation website reviews, and check out all of the capabilities that are available for each subscription plan. It is a completely scale able solution for those looking for the cheapest donation website, to those who want to create the ultimate donation hub platform. It is basically a donation website maker. The software will allow you to run the following sites:

  • School donation website
  • charity donation website
  • personal donation website
  • international donation website
  • donation request website
  • donation help website
  • donation website for non profit
  • business donation website

Those are just some examples of the sites that you could be running. There are many more scenarios in addition to the ones mentioned above that could be used as well.

It is recommended that you try the 14-day free trial so you can test the product before purchasing.

You can learn how to set up a donation page on your website by reading the following article. The Sedra widget is a great tool for those that want to understand how to create donation page on a website. You can add a donation to the website by copying and pasting a small snippet of HTML code on to a new or existing web page. That will show you how to add a donation page to your website.

Furthermore, you can learn how to start a charity donation website by watching the following video.

This solution can be used for the various scenarios of the donation website for projects, including mobile donation platform capabilities.

Now that you know the steps for the charity donation website setup, you can begin to create the online charity donation website.

3. Build the website

Now that you have chosen the technology, it is time for the donation website setup. You can use the mockups that you created in the first step to start building a public donation website. Upon signup, you need to locate the Administrator Dashboard.

Administrator Dashbaord the admin dashboard
Administrator Dashboard

From the administrator dashboard, you can go to the portal settings, and add in all of the necessary information in the system of the website. As mentioned previously, this is not a free donation website, so there are many different features that can be enabled and disabled. Adding all of the necessary content, toggles, and testing may be the most time-consuming steps. Thrinacia provides all of the tools and support to ensure that your platform is running smoothly.

4. Launch the site

Donation Website example site
Donation Website

Now that you know how to start your own donation website, you can now launch, and start marketing the site. It is best to have a few campaigns running for your website donation service to start with. This way it looks like you have more traction for the new users that enter the site.

5. Collect the donations

Peer to peer lending UIPeer to peer lending UI
Peer to peer lending UI
Website donation page donate donating site
Website donation page

Last, you can collect the donations. This is the most rewarding step of the entire process. Many individuals appreciate a website to get donations for projects. If you want, you can take a percentage fee of the donations, or you can start a donation website free for the users.