Understanding the campaign status flow

Campaign Status UI
Campaign Management UI

When managing the campaigns on the administration area of your Atlas website  you may notice that there are different statuses that you can set for each campaign. This article is going to explain what each status means, and what it is used for, its restrictions, and will explain this workflow.

Let’s go over all of the options available when changing the status on a campaign.

  • Being Edited
  • Approved/Running
  • Not Approved
  • Paused
  • Processing Pre Auth
  • Accepted For Capture
  • Declined For Capture
  • Processing Capture
  • Capture Complete
  • Sent For Review
  • Cancelled
  • Being Reviewed
  • Not Funded

To find the campaign management UI as shown in the above image, you would need to be logged in as a portal admin to your Atlas Crowdfunding website. Go to the Administrator dashboard, and click on the Campaigns tab. Here you can view all of the campaigns, and change the status of each campaign as needed.

When you are first creating a new campaign, you will notice that the status will be recognized and labelled as “Being Edited“. This is because the campaign has not been launched yet. Being launched means that the campaign creator has clicked on the button in the campaign preview step called “launch campaign“. Upon clicking this button, the campaign will change status from being edited to either “Approved/Running” or “Sent For Review” this is depending on whether the auto approve feature is toggled on or not.

If you have set your campaigns to be manually approved, then you will have multiple options. First, if you are going to be reviewing the campaign, so you can set the campaign as “Being Reviewed“.

This will not affect the campaign in any way. Second, you can approve the campaign. This will display the campaign on your website (as long as you have not set the campaign to be private during the campaign creation process). In addition, it will also notify the campaign creator that the campaign has been approved. As an alternative option, you can also set the campaign to be “Not Approved“. This will notify the campaign creator that their campaign has not been approved.

Once approved, campaigns can be set to “paused“. This simply does not allow users to donate to the campaign. In addition, campaigns can also be “cancelled” which means they cannot accept funding either and are no longer running.

Next campaign status is the “Processing Pre Auth” this means the credit card pre-authorizations are being processed. When the post-processing feature is toggled on, all cards must complete a two-step process.

First is the pre-authorize, this tests the card to see if there are funds available. Next is the capture. The Processing Pre Auth status is starting the 2 step process by testing the donor’s cards to see if the funds are available to be later captured.

After processing pre auth, the next status can either be “Accepted For Capture” or “Declined For Capture“. If the backer’s cards are successful with the initial pre authorization of the card, then the campaign creator can choose to either charge the cards which will change the status to “Accepted For Capture” or they can decline which will change the status to “Declined For Capture“.

Last, is the “Capture Complete“, this means that the campaign has been successfully funded, and all of the donations have been captured. In addition, the campaign status can also be labelled “Not Funded” which means that the campaign has ended but did not receive the funding goal while using the All or Nothing funding mode.

You can view the following flowchart image for a visual description of each campaign status, and how they relate to one another.

Campaign Status Flow Chart
Campaign Status Flow Chart