An inside look at SeedMoney’s success

Growing vegetables
Growing vegetables

I had the opportunity to speak with Roger Doiron about his successful Crowdfunding website called SeedMoney. For those that are not aware, we have written a case study on their site before when they raised over $49,000 in their first day of funding.

Roger explains how the SeedMoney website operates. It does not operate like most Crowdfunding sites that allow new projects 24/7, rather, they have a fundraising season where all of the campaigns start at the same day and end at the same day to compete for the available grants. This seems to be an effective method for two purposes:

  1. Attracting more campaigns to the platform.
  2. Generating better performing campaigns on the platform.

The grants act as a great incentive for the campaigns to put forth more effort in raising money for the campaign, as well as it attracts a lot more campaigns. It seems to be the biggest catalyst for generating more successful campaigns for the SeedMoney platform.

Learn more about SeedMoney, and the success that it has in our interview: