How to create a team for Crowdfunding

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Team huddle

So you are looking to create a Crowdfunding campaign, and want to harness the power of a dedicated team. Using a team for your Crowdfunding campaign can significantly increase the potential of success for the campaign. This article will explain how to structure your Crowdfunding team for success.

Learning the layout of the campaign

Before getting into the details about each hypothetical member of the team and their role, the landscape of the campaign should be laid out. First, you need to have a prototype of your product, as this will be essential for the backers. The potential backers of the campaign will want to see that you can deliver. In addition to the prototype, you will need to have a compelling campaign video, and an extensive description with images included. You can also offer interesting and enticing rewards.

Now that you know what is expected of the campaign, you can organize a winning team to help you with the campaign creation, marketing, and execution.

Understanding the roles of each member

You will need to construct a team or team member for each of the following duties:

  1. Creating the prototype
  2. Creating the campaign video
  3. Marketing and monitoring the traffic
  4. Managing the campaign

One or two of the roles as mentioned above can be done by the same person or multiple people. It all depends on what you have to work with. If you have a team of 20 people or 3 people, then you need to allocate your resources accordingly. One of the biggest advantages of having a team is using the combined network to help with the success of the campaign.  There are a few successful campaigns that only have a single member, without using a team. This is why using your team is a very valuable asset to have available. If you harness this asset properly, you can create a powerful Crowdfunding campaign. Learn how to harness this asset based on the above list of duties available.

1. Creating the prototype

This is typically done by the campaign creator or the person who is managing the campaign. But if this is not who is creating the prototype, then you need to manage your campaign so that your prototype is finished before you create any content for the campaign itself. In hindsight, this is the first thing that needs to be done in order for other team members to start their work.

2. Creating the campaign video

Once the prototype is finished and working the way that you want, you can proceed with creating the campaign video. This will be an essential marketing tool that will be used throughout the entire campaign. Many Crowdfunding marketing experts call this the salesperson for the campaign. This video needs to be top quality, and explain everything there is to know about the campaign and the product. If you do not have a professional when it comes to team members and film, this is something that can be outsourced if needed. It does not take a long time to come up with a video, but you want it done right!

3. Marketing and monitoring the traffic

The marketing team is going to be driving all of the traffic to your campaign. There are many unsuccessful campaigns that rely on the platform to market their campaign to the users of the website. This unrealistic strategy does not work. You and your marketing team need to generate the traffic to the campaign. This marketing team member or team members are usually the founders of the campaign and have some type of stakes in the campaign. Your marketing team should have come up with clear goals, and a good backer persona based on marketing research. This marketing team is going to be one of the most essential assets to the campaign, as this will be the single most effective team to be generating the backers to the campaign.

4. Managing the campaign

Lastly, you can hire an expert to manage the campaign. This can really save you lots of time, and they may be able to manage your team, or even create your team so that you can get the funding needed. There are various ways of paying the campaign manager, some will take a percent of the funds raised. This can be good for you as it is an incentive for them to perform well, but can also be a major set back as you may not break even on the venture. This all depends on how you would like to run your campaign.

Use this info to structure your team accordingly. Do not rush into your campaign, or making your team, as this is something that needs to be thoroughly examined before moving forward.