How to utilize your existing network for Crowdfunding

Friends and family donating to the Crowdfunding campaign
Friends and family donating to the Crowdfunding campaign

When considering to create a Crowdfunding campaign, a key component to the success of the campaign, relies on the first backers. This article will explain how to gain your very first backers using your existing network of friends and family.

Why utilize your own network?

First of all, if you have not already heard about a pre-launch campaign, you are likely going to want to use this technique on your existing network. As mentioned previously, your very first backers are important to the success of the campaign, this takes trust on the backers part to donate to your campaign. Who better to trust you than your own friends and family? Since your own network already trusts you, it is not spam, or annoying to send them info about your Crowdfunding campaign. There are many campaign creators that have utilized only their personal network to receive the first backers to the Crowdfunding campaign as needed. It is an effective network to use only if you utilize it properly. As a suggestion, you should not let your network know about your crowdfunding campaign unless you have already created the material. If you have not created the material, it is best to save the good news about your Crowdfunding campaign for later when you have something to show.

Using the right material

If you are going to notify your network that you will be running a Crowdfunding campaign, you need to keep in mind what material that you will be showing. You do not have to create the actual campaign, as it may not be finished, or look good. You need to at the least have an image to show, and give a small description. This should be presented through social media. Facebook and LinkedIn are great places to post this type of material. Tip: if you are introducing the campaign to your friends and family, you may want to leave a little room for imagination. This way, you can get your friends to comment on whatever you are displaying on your social media. It is even a good idea to ask a friend to comment if you are not receiving any organic action on your post. The best material to use is always a video, this will grab your friends, or family members attention for the longest time, and can also provide the most information in a small amount of time.

If you are going to utilize your personal network, it is always a good idea to be thankful towards them. If it means giving them a call to thanking them or sending a message, whatever you are most comfortable with. If they are going to donate to the campaign, or have already donated to the campaign, you should always show gratitude towards those who are giving you their money.