New Feature: Hiding Campaign Contribution Button

The new Campaign Contribution Hiding is a feature that allows the campaign creators a choice of displaying or hiding the campaign contribution button. The campaign creators get the ability to force the donors to choose a reward instead of donating a specific amount of money. As per request, there are some Crowdfunding campaigners that find this particular feature to be useful to gain a more high amount of donations to the campaign as tested on other Crowdfunding platforms in the past.

How to enable

If you would like to enable the campaign contribution button hiding feature, you can do this by logging into the platform as a portal admin. Once logged in, go the admin dashboard, and click on the portal settings tab. Once clicked on the portal settings tab, click on campaign settings.

campaign settings tab


Next, scroll down to the section called “Campaign Contribution Options“, and check the box that says “Enable Per Campaign Contribution Hiding“. Make sure you save.

campaign contribution option

How to use it

Each campaign is different, so if you do not want to use this feature, it is not automatically enabled. To enable this on the campaign, one must start creating a campaign. Among the campaign steps, you can hide the campaign contribution button by clicking on the basic funding step, then scrolling down to the section called “Campaign Contribution Option” click on the drop down. Here you can enable the campaign contribution option so that there is only options to donate via rewards.

Campaign Contribution Option

Once finished with fully creating the campaign, an example of the UI is below:

campaign example

As you can see, there is no button to contribute. If the user wants to donate, they can choose the available awards by scrolling down.

rewards campaign example

Make sure that you remember to save your settings at the bottom of the page if you would like to enable this feature.