The next steps to take after a successful Crowdfunding campaign

New product from successful Crowdfunding campaign
A new product from the successful Crowdfunding campaign

Have you just completed a successful Crowdfunding campaign? If so, CONGRATULATIONS, you can now start selling your product on the market. Although the campaign has ended, you are still not entirely finished with your Crowdfunding campaign. There needs to be additional work now that you have gained all of the necessary funding.

Initial actions after funding

Thank your backers

Now that you are all finished with the funding steps of the Crowdfunding campaign, it is now time to follow up with the promises that you have made to your backers. You need to thank your backers right away. They have offered their hard earned money so that you can launch your project, so it is only fair that you let them know that the campaign was a success thanks to them!

Updating the backers on the next steps of action

After thanking the backers for their kind donations, they will want to know what the plan of action is. You should have a game plan for what is next to come with the project. If your campaign has not already laid out the entire process of post-funding, then you need to start mailing out this process ASAP. The plan for the future of your project is important to the backers that have sent money to you, so make sure it is detailed, as they will be interested.

Communicating with your backers

Nothing always goes as planned, so you need to tell your backers where it is best to contact you. These backers may be asking for refunds, additional help/questions, etc. Make sure that you have a form of communication set up so that you can communicate with these backers/customers.

Continuing the project

To continue with your Crowdfunding project, there needs to be an avenue to purchase the product. If you already have a website up and running, you will need to add an eCommerce functionality so that people can purchase the product. The budget to implement such a feature on the website should have been in the funding budget, to begin with, but if it is not, you may want to look at low-cost plugins or migrate your site over to an eCommerce platform. The main goal is that you can continue running the business you sought after for your Crowdfunding campaign.