How to create an amazing Non-Profit website

non-profit volunteers
Happy Non-Profit Volunteers

Are you curious about starting a Non-Profit organization? Do you want an amazing website that will allow users to easily donate to the campaigns you are running? In this article, you are going to learn how to get your Non-Profit website up and running fast, and at low costs.

First, you need to ask yourself, do I have a shot at operating a Non-profit website, and how much will this whole thing cost? With the great technology available today, you can easily create, and operate a fully functioning Non-Profit website without having any coding knowledge for as little as $39.99/mo USD. You can research, and learn about Crowdfunding products that are available to use for your particular needs here. If you do not have any experience with creating websites and would like to start your own Non-Profit, you can watch this video and learn how easy and accessible the Atlas white label Crowdfunding platform can be.


Choosing the technology

Many people do not know how to run a website and can discover how advantageous SaaS (Software as a Service) products can be when trying to start one on a small budget. These types of products provide full support and an easy UI (user interface) for anyone to create a website. They also come fully loaded with feaures that you may not have thought about when you originally wanted to create a website but would be a big benefit if you had that feature. In addition, you will not be spending nearly as much money if you were to hire a developer/developers to create a new Non-Profit website from scratch. Creating such a website could result in the hundreds of thousands if created from scratch and fully finished and functioning properly. If you are using a SaaS product like Altas, you will have access to the in-house developers in case you want to create an additional feature on your site. Make sure that whatever product that you are going to use, has full support. The last thing you want is to worry about fixing any bugs while people are visiting your site.

Create a good strategy

If you want to have a successful Non-Profit website, you need to have a really good strategy. Here is a good case study that explains how the successful website was able to generate over $49,000 in just the first day of funding. Their strategy was to launch all of their campaigns at the same time to generate as much traffic to the site as possible on their first day of funding. They would continue to run all of the campaigns at the same time to keep the flow of donations. This is the type of strategy that can be built to leverage the power of your charity website. Make sure you have a unique approach to how you are going to run your website.