GDPR Compliance Checklist

GDPR locks
GDPR is coming. Is your organization or business ready for it?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union and the European Economic Area. The law is coming into effect and becomes enforceable on May 25’th 2018.

While Thrinacia Atlas is a white label CrowdFunding software as a service, where website operators are in charge of their data collection and processing, Thrinacia also provides tools and tips to help with meeting the GDPR compliance. We will try to summarize some of these below. Note that this is not a complete checklist.

1. Enable Cookie Consent Banner Popup from Administration Panel -> Portal Settings -> Website Settings. Also make sure that link on popup banner is pointing to your Cookies policy. This can be adjusted via translation capabilities.



2. Establish internal policies on how you wish to deal with subscribers who wish their data to be removed for example or that need data export. Some of these options can be automated or they can be manual. We provide self served options for users to remove themselves or acquire their data export in CSV/Excel compatible format as per image below.


3. Review and ensure your Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are up to date and that your users are aware of them. These can be linked on footer of website as in example screenshot below. You may review our own policies and terms of service and construct something similar that is specific to your situation.


For more extensive GDPR checklist and other information, please refer to the following article:

If you have any questions in regards to how the data is stored on our hosted cloud or other questions in regards to GDPR, then you can contact us via following email: or via our contact form on our website.

Legal Disclaimer

The legal information provided in this article is not the same as getting legal advice, where an attorney applies the law to your specific situation or the circumstances. We insist that you consult an professional attorney if you would like to get advice on your interpretation of this provided information or its accuracy. In a nutshell, you may not rely on this blog article or this writing as legal advice, nor as a recommendation of any particular legal understanding.