Creating a product Crowdfunding page


How to create a Crowdfunding campaign page
Generating donations for Crowdfunding page

If you are in the early stages of creating a Crowdfunding campaign, you may have some details in mind for your Crowdfunding page for when you launch. This article can help guide you to use the best practices when it comes to creating a product Crowdfunding page.

Choosing the right platform

You may be limited by the Crowdfunding platform when it comes to specific features on the campaign page. Be sure to browse through the various Campaigns before choosing your Crowdfunding platform. The most popular Crowdfunding platforms when it comes to product campaigns, are IndieGoGo and Kickstarter. If you can find another platform that is specific to your niche and has the right features available on the page, that may be a better choice than using the popular platforms mentioned above. If you want to make a fully custom campaign page, you have access to the Front-end source code when signing up for an Atlas subscription.

Creating quality content

The content on your Crowdfunding page is your bread and butter. The most important media needed is a quality introduction video. This video can rage form 1min to 5mins. Try not to go over that time, as you can provide all of the details about your product in the description further down the page. The product video is going to be the first thing that the potential backers will see, and will act as your salesman for the campaign. It is not mandatory to spend money on the creation of the product video, although it could be beneficial to do so. If the video does not look professional enough, potential backers will compare the unprofessional video with your product. No one wants to invest in a product “made in mom and dads basement”. Try to keep the campaign professional enough, so backers can see that you mean business and that you are expert in your industry.


Crowdfunding campaign page
Crowdfunding campaign page


The same professionalism should be applied to the description of the campaign page as well. There should not be any spelling or grammatical errors. In addition, there should be many paragraphs of text to capture more of the potential backer’s attention and time. Make sure all details of the entire campaign are stated in the description.


Crowdfunding Video and Description
Crowdfunding Video and Description


Images can be used to break up the text and explain more about the product. Images added to the page should be high quality and contain knowledge or information.


Campaign description rewards and images
More Description, Rewards, and images

Key features to use

Below is a list of key features that can be utilized on the Crowdfunding page:

  • Rewards: You should have the ability to add multiple rewards. Reward attributes can make the world of a difference in regards to the reward feature. For example, if the reward is a t-shirt, you may want to add the color green or blue as options for the t-shirt reward.
  • Links: Adding links is necessary, especially if you have a website already created that your potential backers can look at, or if you have a company website that can verify the legitimacy of your campaign.
  • Faq: If this feature is not included on to the platform, it can be added to the description as well.
  • Google Analytics: Monitoring your campaign is key to success. The ability to see where your traffic is coming from, and what your users are doing once on the campaign page, can help with improvements in marketing.

All of the above features are available on both Thrinacia Reach and Atlas. It is great to test out different platforms. Get all of the necessary information together, and test out which platform works best with all of the information that you have. You can always create a test campaign if you are unsure about the platform.