New Campaign Contribution Replacement Feature

We have introduced a new feature that allows contributors to replace their previous pledge using new workflow. To use this feature as a campaign contributor, click on the top right icon, then click on My Contributions.


If you would like to replace the contribution payment that was made to the campaign, simply choose your campaign and click on Details.


Now you can replace the payment by clicking on the blue Replace Contribution button.


Next, you will see this option pop up.


Screenshot from 2018-02-26 13-39-06

If the backer chooses “Enter Amount”, then they will be directed to enter the amount that they would like to pledge to replace their previous amount.

Screenshot from 2018-02-26 13-12-29

“Select Reward” option will direct the user to another page to select the multiple rewards and quantities of the reward to replace previous contribution.

Screenshot from 2018-02-26 13-42-20

This makes the process for replacing a previous contribution and choosing reward or amount more simpler for the backers.

This feature is not enabled by default. So if you would like to add this new donation work flow to your portal, login as administrator account then go to your Administrator Dashboard -> click on Portal Settings tab -> click on Campaign Settings -> scroll down to the Campaign Contribution Replacement section. You can enable it here:


If you have any further questions, feel free to contact or go to the Thrinacia slack channel