Stripe Elements and Card Tokenization Feature

We have released a new feature for our Web UI v1 and Sedra CrowdFunding Widget. The feature enables you to use Stripe Elements for all card tokenization, therefore fully meeting SAQ A compliance from Stripe.

To turn this feature on please navigate to Administration Panel -> Portal Settings -> Payment Settings. You will there see a new feature called “Stripe Card Tokenization”. To use this feature please make sure it’s enabled as per screenshot below.


Once enabled it will use Stripe publishable key you have set and also utilize Stripe Elements for all forms where credit card is being captured. This way credit cards will not be transmitted to Thrinacia Atlas, but instead directly to Stripe and then tokenized. Thrinacia Atlas will use these tokens to initiate pre-authorizations or charges on contributions.

Below is example of what the credit card input forms look like with Stripe Elements tokenization enabled.



SAQ A compliance can be verified quickly with Pre-filled SAQ A available from Stripe Dashboard.