Creating a Pre Launch Page for your Crowdfunding Campaign


Are you looking to launch your Crowdfunding campaign? Are you generating interest to your up and coming campaign, and gathering info and potential backers yet? If you are launching soon, and have not already created any buzz toward your campaign, now is the time to create a landing page.

If you have not already done so, here is what you need to do.

The purpose of creating a landing page is to have a hub for the potential backers to go. This landing page can be used to gather information such as emails and define which marketing avenues are performing the best. You are going to need particular tools to help you gather this info.

  1.  Facebook Pixel – If you plan on doing any Facebook marketing then Pixel will be essential. All you need to do is paste a snippet of code into the header of your site. Pixel will drop a cookie that will track visitors on your website for advertising purposes. You can then retarget those who have been on the landing page.
  2. Google Analytics – This service will not play a big part in the pre-launch phase, but once you have your site up and running, you will want to see your users in real time and gather data about what your users are doing on the site. As for the pre-launch, you can use Google Analytics to see users entering the landing page in real time.
  3. Email marketing apps – There are several apps, and services around that you can use to send mass emails to those who subscribe to your site. Services like MailchimpSendloop, and Mailjet can help you send beautiful branded emails using templates so you can market the launch of your campaign.

The idea is to get a decent amount of backers on the launch day of your campaign. This will help you gain new backers later in the campaign period as other potential backers will see that your campaign has traction.

To gain these types of backers, you will have to conduct your pre-launch campaign, and drive as much traffic as you can to your landing page, so you can gather as much data as possible. Using the data gathered from your landing page, you can target and retarget those that have come to your site and a lookalike audience from your email list.

To gather an email list, you need both a CTA (Call to Action) on the landing page so users can opt into your email list and a reward for those you opt into the list. For instance, you can offer a “free give away contest” and those who sign up to the email list will have a chance to win the item. You can also be giving away free product to those who give up their email like a t-shirt or bracelet. Whatever the reward may be, it needs to be valuable to those who are opting into the email list. In addition, you need to be gathering a large number of emails, and traffic to your site, so keep in mind a budget for the pre-launch campaign.


Now that you understand the purpose of the landing page, you can tailor it to the campaign. Be sure that the page speaks to your market. You need to display the product or service on the page. This will further entice the user to give you their info. As an example, if you are crowdfunding for a new leather jacket, you need to have an image of someone wearing the jacket, so your user can picture himself/herself in that same jacket. The individual should imagine themselves using the product. Once they see themselves using the product, your CTA should ask for their email. Have the button below or inside of the image. Tip: You may have to ask the user several times before they make the decision to opt into the list. So let them scroll or view a video that will make the individual like your product more, then ask again for their email. These are tactics that successful Crowdfunders are using to increase conversions and generate large email lists.

Once you are finished with creating your landing page, you need to prepare for the launch of your campaign. You can decide to use a Crowdfunding platform to direct your users to, or you have the option of hosting the campaign on your website using the Sedra widget code. This way you can fully monitor and gather all of the data of the potential backers and retarget those who decide not to back the project. And the best part, it is free to use the code, all you have to do is copy and paste a snippet of HTML code into the site.