Advanced Custom Fields, Campaign Revisions and Other New Features

We have recently released a few new Thrinacia Atlas features. This blog post will provide you with more information on these features.

1. Advanced Custom Fields

This feature will allow you to capture more info about your users with advanced ‘Custom Fields’.

To enable this feature, go to,  Administration -> Portal Settings -> Custom Fields.
In the drop down menu, select Personal Profile Section and enable Advanced Settings.

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When the advanced settings toggle is enabled you can:

1. Type a field name of your choosing
2. Select between two field types, drop down and text
3. Select to display fields in ‘Profile Step’ or ‘Profile Settings and Register’ steps

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2. Campaign Searchable Fields

This feature allows Administrator users to specify what regular users will search for in the search field in the Explore page. This feature can be found in Administration -> Portal Settings -> Theme Settings -> Explore Page Content

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3. Sub Category Settings

Previously, when a new category in the Explore page is selected, it simply expanded its child sub categories but did not select them. With this new feature, sub categories will be auto selected when the parent category is selected.

This feature can be found in Administration -> Portal Settings -> Theme Settings -> Category Display. There is a new toggle called ‘Auto Select All Subcategories when Expanding Parent Category’

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Once the toggle is turned on you can head over to your Explore page and select a category with sub category. You will notice that all child sub categories will automatically be selected and expanded when selecting a parent category.

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4. URL shortening for campaign sharing

This feature allows URL shortening when Sharing Campaigns. This feature is useful for those users that would like to minimize the long URL’s generated by Thrinacia Atlas natively.

This setting requires an API Key generated from the Google Cloud Platform, so make sure you have that before you turn on this setting. The feature can be found in Administration -> Portal Settings -> Campaign Settings -> Campaign URL Sharing

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5. Campaign Revision Control 

This feature allows administrator the ability to proof read, approve, and reject changes that are added by campaign managers or project creators before the changes are reflected in the live and active campaign. The campaign can continue running in live mode, while changes or revisions made by creator are queued up for review and later approval and sync to live campaign.

Currently this feature is limited to certain fields which are: campaign name/title, bio, images, faq, blurb and description of the campaign when the setting is turned on. This feature can be activated by navigating to: Administration -> Portal Settings -> Campaign Settings -> Campaign Revisions

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To view the current queued campaign revisions, go to Administration -> Campaigns -> View Campaign Revisions

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From there you can edit selected campaign revision. An admin revising a campaign will see a ‘revised’ label on any of the campaign fields.

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Image revisions can be seen below


And FAQ revisions are available as well


If you have any further questions please visit our discussion board or join our live chat. Thank you.