When natural disasters strike

Crowdfunding and general fundraising play a huge role in relief efforts after major natural disasters. Recently hurricane Harvey amounted to more than $180 billion in damages. Thousands of families were affected, left without homes and displaced. Individual people and families almost immediately turned to crowdfunding websites for relief. Initiating small campaigns to get them back onto feet. As well celebrities and corporations turned on their efforts. Millions of dollars being raised to help people in need.

Crowdfunding solutions
Crowdfunding solutions

It is important to consider as well in the event of disasters, varying people and even corporations can rally around campaigns to support relief efforts. For example in many cases we see individuals start their own campaigns. But more recently, celebrities and larger corporations have been getting involved, initiating much bigger campaigns. This is important to consider, because it can set examples and goals which can lead to more successful campaigns. In some events funds raised by local governments are not enough. Especially in less developed countries.

There are hundreds of crowdfunding websites dedicated to natural disasters and victims. Different platforms that offer support for campaigns. Gofundme being one of the more popular sites, but also others as well. People can create their own free campaigns as well through Reach from Thrinacia. It is important to research and see how you’re going to start your campaign. There are a lot of things to consider. Here are some tips as well what to think in, before starting a campaign.

One final note worth mentioning is scams. Please beware that there a lot of fake campaigns that can be initiated in these most desperate times. As people try to take advantage of disasters. You may be thinking that you are assisting in relief efforts, but actually the money is going into something else. As a person making contributions or donations, you have to really have some caution and perform a bit of due diligence on your part. Just to make sure the individual or the organisation are really who they say they are. As well, that they are not lying about what the donations will be used for.