Equity CrowdFunding Websites Using Thrinacia Atlas Engine


Thrinacia Atlas is a CrowdFunding Engine designed primarily for Reward and Donation based CrowdFunding Portals. The stock form does not currently offer full blown equity, real estate or loan based CrowdFunding models out of the box.

Although Thrinacia Atlas was designed for Reward and Donation based CrowdFunding Portals, you can still have the capabilities to run an Equity based CrowdFunding Website.

Note however that Thrinacia only supplies the necessary software, and support to run a CrowdFunding Portal, and does not provide any CrowdFunding business or legal advice.

How do I run an Equity Based CrowdFunding Portal Using Thrinacia Atlas?

If you would like to create a simple Equity based CrowdFunding portal we can show you one possible way of doing it (note that there could be many other ways). One of these ideas is outlined below.

Assuming you don’t want to process credit cards (due to transaction charges) and wish to utilize bank wire transfers instead.

1. Disable payment processing and online contributions (using Atlas Admin panel). Your users will no longer be able to donate / invest in the campaigns through the portal using credit cards, instead, you will have to manually enter any payment through the administrator dashboard.

Another option for entering any bank wire payments, cheques or other external payments, is to sync transactions via REST API automatically.

2. Disable campaign creation (using Atlas Admin Panel). This will disable the campaign creation for your users, but you will still be able to create campaigns as a portal admin.

What about legal Restrictions or Regulations?

As mentioned previously, Thrinacia only provides the CrowdFunding software, and cannot offer any legal or business advice. You will need to conduct your own research into different restrictions and regulations involved with equity CrowdFunding. Thrinacia team can however assist with custom development and custom features.

If you, as a portal administrator or website owner would like to have your donations and creation of Equity CrowdFunding campaigns more streamlined for example, you have the ability to create these functionalities utilizing Thrinacia team of developers or hire your own developers.

Customize the website to fit your Equity CrowdFunding needs

Any extra features that are requested to be added to a CrowFunding portal is considered Custom Development Work. This means that Thrinacia will use its in-house developers to create these custom features as per your specification.

If you would like to know the cost of your custom features to be implemented on your CrowdFunding website, you can contact sales@thrinacia.com with the specification or description for your feature.

Alternatively you can also create a support ticket in our project system requesting new feature and explaining it in more detail. Thrinacia team will then respond with estimate on the time it would take to implement such feature.

Thrinacia has provided Equity CrowdFunding websites in the past, and when requested, can send examples of Equity CrowdFunding websites. Customization options available when using Thrinacia Atlas are not limited to anything in specific.

If you would like to customize the website yourself with your own developer that is also possible. You will have SFTP access which can be used to make changes to the source code and in addition to this option with specific subscription plans, you will also receive direct source code access via GIT repository.