Self-Awareness For Successful Crowdfunding Project

How do you get people to donate money? Those who have done successful crowdfunding campaigns would often speak of the psychology of people. They always say that the goal of the campaign is not merely to get the attention of potential donors. You have got get them to make the move and donate money to fund the project you are marketing. And yet such process is easier said than done.

How do you help people become more self-aware?

Self-awareness is when a person becomes introspective. It is also the process of recognizing one’s own thoughts and feelings towards a certain idea or situation.

When people become more self-aware, they feel a little bit of discomfort. They see themselves in relation to others. Most of the time, they do not like what they see around them. They feel bad about not being able to do anything to help. As a result, they engage in pro-social projects that aim to alleviate people’s problems to hopefully put them in a better position in life. To overcome the negative feeling that they have, people tend to extend their help to others.

This is when crowdfunding comes in.

If you want to influence potential donors to participate in your campaign, you have to target their self-awareness. How do you do that exactly? Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Look them in the eye when you talk to them about your complain. Not only will this exude sincerity, but they can feel the need for help. When you look people in the eye, they tend to trust you more, because they believe that nobody can look them in the eye and lie about the things that they say. When you speak of the truth about the need for funding for your campaign, they will feel that and will then be obliged to give.
  • Go social. If you are not an active social media user, then perhaps now is the time to explore the various social media platforms available. In each platform comes a wide range of users. When they see you on social media and they see that you are active, they know that you are asking for help because there is a strong need for it. Such campaign might help strengthen your hold of not just the project but of the need to get help from them.
  • Lastly, be honest in delivering all your campaign plans. Nobody wants to help someone who is not able to deliver the help that they promised. Remember that your accountability is not just for the money that they have donated. You are responsible for the trust they gave you. Take care of that trust, because when you lose it, you might just not earn it again.