Eat My Lunch CrowdFunding Seeking To Raise $1 Million To Expand Their Network


Eat My Lunch is seeking to raise $1 million to expand their network. The company distributes one free lunch to a child that is in the need.

Eat My Lunch had its first birthday the previous week. Since then, it has tried its first lending crowdfunding campaign on the site PledgeMe. PledgeMe campaign will try to raise a maximum of $1 million. Lisa King the founder of Eat My Launch said that the PledgeMe campaign has already gotten support from local businesses and the council to start their activities in Wellington.

Chief executive of Pledge MeAnna Guenther shared how the process of PledgeMe project works: “It’s going to be really interesting to see what happens when investors can choose between a good financial return on their investment, or to help feed more kids in need on the same campaign page”. The previous year, Eat My Lunch operated its first crowd funding project. This project brought in over 2,500 pledgers alone.

King announced she was searching for a group of supporters that are similar to the followers her project had. King said she did believe her company’s supporters would give their all-out loyal support.