Webhooks Example Responses

This is a follow-up to our previous blog post on Webhooks here.

There are 3 different objects that are returned in the Webhook responses:


Key Description
description Campaign Description
currency_id Campaign currency used
ends Campaign end date
blurb Campaign blurb
hidden Whether Campaign is hidden
entry_id Campaign ID
duration_type_id Campaign type
funded_amount Current amount funded
pledge_processing_started Pledge Processing start date
starts Campaign start date
modified Campaign last modified date
maximum_allowed_pledge Max amount allowed per pledge
display_priority Order campaign will show up, only used when Featured
created Campaign creation date
disabled Whether Campaign is disabled
runtime_days Days Campaign has been running
profile_type_id Whether Campaign is showing user profile or business profile
1 = User Profile2 = Business Profile
featured Whether Campaign is Featured
entry_status_id Campaign status ID
1 = Created / Being Edited
2 = Approved / Running
3 = Not Approved
4 = Paused
5 = Finished – Processing Pre Authorization
6 = Finished – Accepted For Processing Capture
7 = Finished – Declined For Processing Capture
8 = Finished – Processing Capture
9 = Finished – Capture Processing Complete
10 = Sent For Review
11 = Cancelled
12 = Being Reviewed
13 = Not Funded
maximum_allowed_funds_raised Max limit campaign can raise
ever_published If Campaign has ever been published
name Campaign Name
funding_goal Campaign Funding Goal


Key Description
pledge_level_description Description of reward chosen in pledge
email Donor’s email
user_id User ID of donor
stripe_transaction_id Transaction ID made
pledge_amount Pledge amount
stripe_account_type_id Test or not
fingerprint Pledge unique fingerprint
stripe_transaction_status_id Status of Stripe transaction
client_id Client ID of Stripe account
stripe_account_card_id Stripe card ID
disabled Whether Stripe account is disabled
exp_year Card expiration year
charge_id Charge ID
stripe_account_id Stripe account ID
pledge_level_id Reward ID of pledge
card_id Card ID
person_id User ID of donor
anonymous_contribution Whether pledge is anonymous
shipping_address_id Shipping address ID
entry_pledge_level_id Max limit campaign can raise
exp_month Card expiration month
reference_no Reference number
currency_id Campaign currency ID
refresh_token Refresh token
currency Campaign currency used
request Request
entry_backer_id Campaign ID
stripe_account_card_type_id Stripe account card type ID
pledge_level_name Reward name
stripe_transaction_type_id Transaction type ID
amount Amount pledged
response Response from Stripe
currency_iso_code ISO Code
created Transaction created date
connect_code Connect code
attributes Attributes
modified Transaction modified date
phone_number_id Phone Number ID
entry_id Campaign ID
stripe_transaction_entry_backer_id Backer ID
access_token Access token
pledge_level_amount Reward amount
nr_of_tries Number of tries
last_name Donor last name
first_name Donor first name
anonymous_contribution_partial Anonymous
country_id Donor’s country ID
default_card Donor’s default card
last4 Last 4 digit of card


Key Description
created Pledge created date
entry_backer_id Donor’s user ID
person_id Donor’s user ID
phone_number_id Phone number ID
disabled Whether Campaign is disabled
raise_mode_id Campaign raise mode
pledge_levels Rewards in Campaign
entry_id Campaign ID
anonymous_contribution Whether this was anonymous contribution
entry_pledge_level_id Campaign Reward ID
shipping_address_id Campaign Reward Shipping ID
anonymous_contribution_partial Anonymous Contribution partial
id Pledge ID
attributes Pledge attributes
amount Pledge amount
modified Pledge modified date

The following table will show you which Endpoint returns which objects:

Event notification endpoints for Background Processor

Endpoint Action Name Object returned
Process Ending URL process_ending_direct Campaign
process_ending_preauth Campaign
Process PreAuth URL process_preauth_campaign Campaign
process_preauth_transaction Transaction, Campaign
Process Accepted Capture URL process_accepted_capture_campaign Campaign
Process Capture URL process_capture_campaign Campaign
process_capture_transaction Campaign, Transaction
Process Cancelled URL process_cancelled_campaign Campaign

Event notification endpoints for Pledge Operations

Endpoint Action Name Object returned
Pledge Operations URL All Pledge Actions Pledge

Hope this helps.