Website Page Loader or Page Loading Spinner

The website page loader or page loading spinner is used to provide load progress icon while web page is being loaded from website. Once the page is fully built the spinning icon will fade away and main page content will be brought into focus.

By default the website page loader is disabled. If you need to enable or disable the loader then please read the following instructions. Since page loader is a special setting, it requires that it be configured from both Admin UI Panel and enabled/disabled in the local app configuration file.

Website page loader can be enabled by adding a line to the local config file. This can be done with SFTP. SFTP information is found in your portal information. You can find info on connecting to SFTP here.

Once you have connected through SFTP with your SFTP client, locate the app configuration file (webui/angapp/app_local.js).

In the config file you will see as section similar to:

app.constant('API_URL', {


    loc: '/service/restv1/'


Add “loader_enabled: true,” in a new line, you should have something like:

app.constant('API_URL', {


    loc: '/service/restv1/',

    loader_enabled: true


NOTE: Please remember to clear your browser cache after making this change and reloading the page fully to see the loader. This is because you may still have old version of app_local.js file cached.

To disable website page loader you would simply take out the line where it says

loader_enabled: true

or change the value of this parameter to false instead of true.

Additional settings can be found in “Theme Settings” under “Portal Settings” from the “Administration” link in the top right menu.


The settings related to the page loader are located under “Page Loader Image”.


Page Loader Image: This is a custom image you can upload to be used for the spinner, if an image is upload it will be used instead of “Page loader Icon”.

Page loader Icon: Choose from a list of Icons, a preview of what you have selected will be displayed.

The note at the end will tell you the current status of your Page loader, either On or Off.

When you have the page loader enabled the default icon will be “Circle notched”.
