Landing pages for crowdfunding campaigns

Crowdfunding projects
Crowdfunding projects

Building a landing page before the actual crowdfunding campaign can go a long ways towards success. Recently I have been coming across campaigns that have been fully funded within the first three hours such as the OSSIC X 3D headphones. Now you may ask how is this possible? How did they get $100,000 in the first three hours of their campaign. The testimonials provided by the campaign creator are pretty convincing, but it goes beyond that.

You can plan ahead and give yourself more time before you launch the official crowdfunding campaign. This can be done well in advance of the actual campaign, maybe even six months back. You can execute a proper marketing strategy within that time and build a great landing page. This will enable you to have a list of subscribers which are drawn to your project. These will be the people that you will contact later, once you are live. They will become backers and further promote your campaign.

You might ask how do I go about a landing page? Well you will need to have a hosting somewhere and be able to build your landing page. Either by hiring or someone or if you have the experience creating it yourself. Landing pages need to explain the product in detail, upcoming dates for campaign launches and collect emails from interested people. They need to be promoted just like your campaign. Via social media and other sources such as forums.

Some key elements of a great landing page include:

  • The headline which will compel them to read more.
  • Visuals such as photos and videos that offer a glimpse on the upcoming campaign.
  • The benefits and full details explaining the project. These need to be organized well.
  • Overall design and structure of the page, not cluttered.
  • Opt-in box and how to capture subscribers. Need to be clever with this as well.

You can also combine the process of crowdfunding campaign with your landing page and utilize Thrinacia. With Thrinacia you can add a subscription widget and setup a temporary landing page prior to your crowdfunding campaign. Working first on your subscribers and then executing upon your crowdfunding campaign. Tools like these can be very powerful and the great thing is you don’t have to worry about hosting. It’s all in one package, you are basically running your own crowdfunding website and executing opt in strategies beforehand.