New Built-in Comment System

If you’re not a fan of Disqus, we have an alternative solution just for you.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to change the comment system to use the Built-in comments instead of Disqus.

NOTE:If you need help setting up Disqus, you can refer to this tutorial HERE.

Step 1: Change Comment Settings to use the Built-in Comments

In the Administration Dashboard -> Portal Settings -> Comment Settings, you’ll see the following:

(Please note that “Disqus Settings” was renamed to “Comment Settings”)

At Choose Comment System,  choose “Built-in Comment System”.

Step 2: Change the settings as preferred

Once you’ve set it to use the “Built-in Comment System”, you’ll see a few options available to adjust:

  • Display User Pictures: displays the user’s profile picture beside each comment
  • Turn On Auto-refresh: automatically retrieves and updates new comments every 60 secs
  • Comment Background Settings: adjusts the background colour of the individual comments
  • Font Settings: adjusts the Font type and colour of the individual comments

Don’t forget to click the Save Comment Settings button when you’re done!

Step 3: Check out the comments in a Campaign, in the Comments tab

You can rate other comments ( not your own ) as well as delete or update your previous comments. You can also sort your comments in descending or ascending order.

You can add new comments using the form at the bottom. You MUST be logged in to comment.

Step 4: Comment JSON translation files

These are the translation files used:

tab-portalSettings.json – for the translation in the Adminstration Settings

custom-comment.json – general translation for the Built-in Comments