Revert your email notification content to default state

You inadvertently made some unwanted change to the email notification template from the Admin Web UI panel for the website.


Please note that Reset button will only undo current buffer not the saved changes.


Now you would like to restore the notification back. Here is how to do this. To revert the email notification content to default template or default state, you need to log into your SFTP account and navigate to the following folder:


SFTP folder

You should be able to see files that are named the same way as those entries on the Email Notification page in Admin UI.


For example, you can find an HTML file named “ Change Email Request – Verification Link” that contains the default email template. Using a text editor of your choice to view the file, you would see the HTML code.


Simply copy everything in there, go to your Thrinacia CrowdFunding website and get to Email Notification through:

Administration/Portal Settings tab/Email Notifications tab

Find the corresponding email notification entry and expand the item. You should see an editor that you probably have worked with many times.

In the editor’s toolbar, you should see an icon that looks like the one shown below. If you don’t, please use a laptop or computer that has bigger screen size.


Click the icon to access the code view of editor. You should see the content becomes HTML code. Paste what you previously copied into here and hit “Save Changes”.

You have just reverted the email notification back to default template
