Internal Crowdfunding for Companies

We are seeing the next generation of crowdfunding projects being launched and now larger corporations are getting involved. Recently we heard about funding platform Indiegogo launch it’s “Enterprise Crowdfunding Service” to provide larger companies with targeted services for engaging with Indiegogo’s audience of early adopters, entrepreneurs and makers. Essentially these companies are partnering up with Indiegogo. With their services they can test out new ideas, understand customers and finally build out their brand better. They already have success stories with a few products that have been crowdfunded.


Another recent example we can turn to is the story of Sony. They launched their own crowdfunding platform and have had great success. Their platform is called “First Flight“. They have their own very unique platform which can host a multitude of projects and campaigns. Although its limited to the Japanese audience, it’s promoting many of their ideas into business concepts. Their backers can directly buy and pre-order new devices developed by Sony workers. This is a great concept for Sony. They promote new business ideas and stay innovative, while the public gets involved. In turn then they can promote products quickly to the market. They are not obliged to share revenues with any third party providers as they are running their own platform.


What does this mean for the industry and everyone else? Well more companies are going have to get creative and possibly take advantage of the crowdfunding phenomenon. They know that it can cut down costs on product development, quickly promote products to the market and allow them to experiment with less risk. Who better to validate products than those that will be buying it? If companies go in the direction of building their own platforms they have several routes they can take. One of those is to run their own crowdfunding platform, creating an unique and personalized experience for their projects. Structuring campaigns in a way that makes sense.

Thrinacia allows companies to run their own crowdfunding portals within minutes. Completely white-label the software packs many different features once deployed. It can be further customized to fit the specific needs of each client. It also allows for further scalability and can handle most client needs. Finally Thrinacia can save you time and money in terms of development costs, if you were opting to build out from the ground up.