Bringing Your Ideas to the Public Through Crowdfunding

So you have a bright idea and all you need is some extra cash in order to mold it into reality and instantly have a fanbase. Crowdfunding is right up your alley and you can begin right away by pitching your idea on your project page and advertising it to as many people as possible. However, this action is also the catch because your idea automatically becomes up for grabs. You could resort to equity crowdfunding and having your investors sign a non-disclosure agreement or patent the idea but these solutions can be pricey. Only a proper presentation and proper execution can protect your idea.

Thinking on how to present an idea on a crowdfunding platform is a matter of figuring out how much information to disclose to the public and how much you want to reveal to your backers alone. Balancing that out depends on the idea you are proposing so your best bet is to do a little bit of trial and error. Come up with a draft complete with text, images, videos and any necessary elements that will help convince potential lookers to back your project. Determine if it is really easy for another individual who may have more money than you to take that idea and launch something faster than you can. Identify what those “secret sauce” elements are and present them in a more subtle way where only you know how to execute. If you are working with a team, present your crowdfunding page draft to your team and see if they have any inputs.

Without the benefit of patents and NDAs, preventing your idea from being stolen is almost impossible but you have to remember that in the end, it is the execution that matters and it is the part that determines whether or not the backers are really happy with their results of their contribution. So make sure you have a solid roadmap on hand and slowly reveal it to your backers after your project is funded.

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